FoodZucchini flowers: The Italian delicacy waiting to be discovered

Zucchini flowers: The Italian delicacy waiting to be discovered

Poles do not appreciate it, for Italians it is a delicacy. Add it to an omelette, pizza or salad.
Poles do not appreciate it, for Italians it is a delicacy. Add it to an omelette, pizza or salad.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

30 May 2024 17:19

Zucchini is a commonly known and loved vegetable. It is used in many ways - in soups, sauces, pancakes, casseroles, and even desserts. However, few people know that zucchini flowers are also edible in addition to the fruit! These delicate flowers are a true delicacy in Italian cuisine but are still underappreciated. It's time to change that!

Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that is often underestimated, while in Italy it is considered a true delicacy. In the gardens, zucchini can be harvested as early as June, and before they mature, beautiful, edible flowers appear. It is worth learning about the various uses of zucchini and its flowers in the kitchen to fully utilize their flavour and health potential.

Why eat zucchini flowers?

Zucchini flowers are delicious and a healthy addition to many dishes. They contain vitamins A, C, K, B1, B6, PP, potassium, magnesium, and iron. They have a delicate flavour, slightly sweet, and a subtle aroma. They can be eaten raw or cooked.

How to eat zucchini flowers?

Zucchini flowers can be enjoyed in many ways:        

  • Raw: Add them to salads, pastas, risotto, sandwiches, or tarts.
  • Fried: Dip the flowers in tempura (a thin pancake batter) and deep fry until golden.
  • Stuffed: Fill the flowers with your favourite cheese (e.g., ricotta, mozzarella) or vegetable stuffing and bake in the oven.
  • On pizza: Add the flowers to the pizza a few minutes before the end of baking.
  • In omelettes: Add the flowers to the omelette while frying.

How to select and prepare zucchini flowers

Edible zucchini flowers are fully open and bright yellow. Choose flowers without spots or damage. Before use, gently rinse the flowers under running water and remove the stamens from the male flowers.

Zucchini flowers - culinary inspirations

Looking for an unconventional dinner idea that will impress with flavour? Opt for zucchini flowers! These delicate flowers are the perfect addition to summer dishes. Try them in a salad with tomatoes, olives, and feta cheese, add them to pasta with pesto, bake them with ricotta and tomatoes, or serve them as a crispy addition to pizza. Zucchini flowers are a true delicacy that will surely impress your guests!

Zucchini flowers are best eaten right after picking. They should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a few days.

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