FoodTomatoes: The super vegetable for health and youthfulness, says nutrition expert Dr. Micheal Mosley

Tomatoes: The super vegetable for health and youthfulness, says nutrition expert Dr. Micheal Mosley

The expert pointed out a super vegetable. There's nothing better for the heart and a youthful appearance.
The expert pointed out a super vegetable. There's nothing better for the heart and a youthful appearance.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Stanislaw Blachowicz

18 February 2024 13:24

Not only are tomatoes coveted for their taste in salads and sandwiches, but, as British expert Dr. Michael Mosley suggests, these valuable vegetables also play a part in preserving a youthful countenance and heart health. Incorporating this super vegetable into our daily diet will enormously benefit our bodies. Discover why it's worth keeping tomatoes in your fridge and the properties they possess.

Lycopene - the secret is in the red colour

Tomatoes are abundant in lycopene, a carotenoid pigment which provides their distinctive red colour. Lycopene acts as a robust antioxidant that battles free radicals - molecules responsible for cell damage and accelerated ageing.

Cooked versus raw tomatoes

According to Dr. Mosley, thermally processing tomatoes enhances the assimilation of lycopene. This is because heating breaks down the thick cell walls of the tomato and liberates the lycopene. This implies that consuming cooked tomatoes (for instance, in sauces or soups) harbours more health benefits than consuming them raw.

Tomatoes: benefits for skin

Tomatoes protect cells from damage and can also elevate the level of collagen, a protein accountable for the firmness and elasticity of our skin. Studies illustrate that individuals who regularly consume tomatoes are less prone to sunburns, and their skin is smoother and more radiant.

How to incorporate more tomatoes into your diet?

Tomatoes are remarkably flexible vegetables that can be consumed in numerous ways. You can incorporate them into salads, sandwiches, sauces, soups and even desserts. Below are some tasty and healthy dish ideas involving tomatoes:

  • Pasta with tomato sauce,
  • Tomato and basil soup,
  • Caprese salad featuring tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil,
  • Frittata with tomatoes and ham,
  • Baked tomatoes with feta cheese.

By regularly indulging in tomatoes, you can not only enhance the flavour of your meals but also improve your health and maintain a youthful look on your skin.

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