FoodPreventing water buildup in your fridge: Simple DIY solutions

Preventing water buildup in your fridge: Simple DIY solutions

Faulty refrigerator
Faulty refrigerator
Images source: © Getty Images | Denis Torkhov

22 August 2024 18:19

Many people face the problem of an unexpected excess of water in the fridge. Before deciding to call a professional, knowing a few simple methods can help solve this problem quickly and effectively is worth knowing.

Causes of water accumulation in the fridge

It all starts with clogged drains. The defrost drain is a small hole usually located on the back wall of the fridge, above the vegetable drawer. Its task is to drain excess water outside the device. Unfortunately, the drain often gets blocked by sediment or food debris. As a result, water starts collecting inside the fridge, which can lead to more serious problems.

Another significant factor is a damaged or dirty gasket. If the gasket is not properly sealed to the fridge door, moisture from outside can enter the interior, promoting water condensation.

How to unclog fridge drains

Solving the problem of a clogged drain can be simpler than it seems. Before deciding to call a professional, it's worth trying to unclog the drain yourself. First, you need a tool that will allow you to gently remove the debris. This can be a drain cleaning rod, usually included with a new fridge. If you don't have one at home, an alternative might be a thin wire.

Step by step: First, remove all food products from the fridge and unplug it. Then, gently insert the cleaning rod into the drain, trying to remove all debris. If the rod doesn't work, prepare a solution of water and baking soda and use a syringe to introduce it into the drain tube. Slowly pour the solution until water starts flowing into the drain pan – this is a sign that the drain has been properly unclogged.

Cleaning and maintenance of fridge gaskets

The gaskets in the fridge play a crucial role in maintaining the appropriate conditions inside the device. To prevent moisture problems, the gaskets should be regularly inspected and cleaned. The easiest way to check their condition is to thoroughly examine for visible damage or dirt. Also, make sure that the gasket adheres well to the door all around its perimeter.

Cleaning the gaskets is simple and only requires basic cleaning agents. The best choice is a mix of water and soap. Soak a cloth in the solution and gently wipe the gaskets to remove any dirt. Regular cleaning of the gaskets not only prevents moisture problems but also extends their lifespan.

It's worth moistening the gaskets to ensure they maintain their elasticity and increase their lifespan. The simplest method is using a lip balm or a special gasket conditioner available at appliance stores. Moisturised gaskets adhere better to the fridge door, preventing moisture from entering the interior.

Additional methods to prevent moisture in the fridge

Not only proper cleaning of the drains and gaskets is important in dealing with excess water. Regular cleaning of the fridge's interior also plays a key role in keeping it in good condition. Always open the fridge door for the shortest time possible to prevent excessive moisture condensation.

One home method to prevent water buildup is using a solution of vinegar and baking soda. Vinegar and baking soda can clean not only the drains but also the entire interior of the fridge, additionally eliminating unpleasant odours. This solution acts as a natural cleaning agent, removing dirt and bacteria. Just mix half a cup of vinegar with 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda and wipe the fridge interior with it.

Another important step is monitoring the temperature inside the fridge. Setting the optimal cooling temperature, usually between 3 and 5 degrees Celsius, prevents food from spoiling quickly and prevents excess moisture buildup. It's also worth checking if the fridge is level so that water can flow freely into the drain.

An excess of water in the fridge can lead to accelerated spoilage of food, causing financial loss and food waste. Water can also lead to the formation of unpleasant odours that permeate other products.

We cannot forget the possibility of device damage either. Constant water accumulation and ice formation can lead to fridge malfunctions and increased energy consumption. Condensate and debris can damage mechanical parts of the fridge, such as the compressor or condenser, which may require costly repairs.

Consequences of a neglected fridge

Neglecting proper cleaning and maintenance of the fridge can lead to serious consequences. Health problems related to mould and bacteria are one of the main risks. A moist environment promotes the growth of mould and bacteria, which can contaminate stored food. Consuming such food can lead to food poisoning and other health issues. Moulds can also cause allergies and respiratory problems, especially in sensitive individuals.

An excess of water in the fridge can lead to accelerated spoilage of food, causing financial loss and food waste. Water can also lead to the formation of unpleasant odours that permeate other products.

We cannot forget the possibility of device damage either. Constant water accumulation and ice formation can lead to fridge malfunctions and increased energy consumption. Condensate and debris can damage mechanical parts of the fridge, such as the compressor or condenser, which may require costly repairs.

Preventing water accumulation in the fridge

To avoid problems related to excess water in the fridge, it's worth following a few simple rules. Firstly, regular cleaning of drains and gaskets is essential. At least once every few months, check if the drains are clear and the gaskets clean and flexible.

Equally important is maintaining the optimal temperature in the fridge. The recommended cooling temperature is usually 3-5 degrees Celsius. Too low or too high a temperature can promote moisture condensation on the fridge walls.

The next step is to ensure proper ventilation in the fridge. Do not overload the shelves so that air can circulate freely inside the device. Regularly check the condition of the gaskets and, if necessary, replace them with new ones.

Summary. Very important when using a fridge

Getting rid of excess water from the fridge is a task you can do yourself using simple tools and household cleaning agents. Regular cleaning of the drains, gaskets, and fridge interior, combined with maintaining proper temperature and ventilation, will prevent moisture buildup and extend the device's lifespan.

Remember, taking care of your fridge is not only a matter of convenience but also health. Moulds and bacteria developing in a moist environment can pose a serious health threat to your family. Therefore, it is worth spending some time on regular maintenance to avoid unpleasant surprises and enjoy a smoothly functioning appliance for many years.

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