LifestyleBill Gates urges parents to limit children's smartphone use

Bill Gates urges parents to limit children's smartphone use

Why is using smartphones harmful?
Why is using smartphones harmful?
Images source: © Getty Images | 2024 Tom Weller/VOIGT

24 August 2024 07:04

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, warns against irresponsible smartphone use. He highlights their negative effects, especially on children. What rules are worth implementing so smartphones serve us rather than harm us?

Smartphones are everywhere today—from the office to the home, from school to the playground. This tool facilitates life but can also cause many problems if we do not know how to control it properly. Bill Gates has repeatedly warned against excessive use of technology, emphasizing that children, in particular, should use smartphones moderately and be fully aware. What advice does one of the most influential people in the world have for us?

Bill Gates warns against using smartphones

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and billionaire, has repeatedly pointed out the dangers of excessive smartphone use, especially by children. In a recent interview with the British magazine The Mirror, Gates emphasized that technology should serve people, not control them. He warned against the negative effects associated with excessive phone use, which can lead to mental health issues, social isolation, and difficulties concentrating.

According to Gates, smartphones should not dominate our lives, particularly during significant moments when building relationships with loved ones. He recommends avoiding phones during shared meals to focus on conversations and be present for the family. Gates himself applied these principles in his home, limiting his children's smartphone access until the age of 14.

When we eat, we don’t have mobile phones at the table. We didn’t give our children mobile phones until they were 14, and they complained that other kids got them earlier – Gates said in an interview with The Mirror.

How to use smartphones responsibly?

Alongside his warnings, Bill Gates also provided valuable tips on how to use smartphones responsibly. His approach involves setting clear boundaries and rules that help balance technology use. Regular screen breaks and limiting phone use in the evening can significantly improve sleep quality and overall well-being. Gates also encourages replacing digital interactions with real-life contacts and physical activity.

We often set a time after which they cannot use electronic devices, which helps them fall asleep at a reasonable hour – emphasized Bill Gates.

It's worth noting Gates' recommendation regarding setting hours after which children should not use electronic devices. Such a schedule can help develop healthy habits and better time management. This gives children a chance to rest, proper social development, and time for other activities, which is crucial for their mental health.

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