FoodCracking the code: A simple trick for perfect boiled eggs every time

Cracking the code: A simple trick for perfect boiled eggs every time

Boiling eggs seems simple, yet it can be as frustrating as anything else. Are we doomed to deal with eggs cracking in water or hard-to-peel eggs forever? These problems can easily be avoided. Discover my mother-in-law's trick.

Peeling eggs can be infuriating. What can be done to ensure the shell comes off the white easily?
Peeling eggs can be infuriating. What can be done to ensure the shell comes off the white easily?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Are you having trouble peeling eggs? Several reasons could be causing this issue, but it's most often related to the egg's freshness—the older the egg, the easier the shell separates from the egg white, making it easier to peel. Does that mean you shouldn't boil fresh eggs? Not at all! Just learn the trick that will help you deal with the problematic shell once and for all.

How to make the shell easily come off the egg?

Nothing is more irritating than peeling eggs with a shell that stubbornly refuses to detach from the white. It can frustrate even the most patient among us. Online, you'll find plenty of methods to remove the stubborn covering, including the famous "egg blowing" (which doesn't work at all in cases of peeling problems). However, a simple trick will allow you to say goodbye to the hard-to-remove shell forever.

My mother-in-law suggested boiling eggs with two slices of lemon in the water. Thanks to this, the shell easily peels off the white. Additionally, the addition of lemon (or juice, you can also use vinegar) prevents the shell from cracking during boiling. It also matters which end of the egg you peel first. It's easier to remove the shell starting from the "flatter" end of the egg, as that's where an air pocket is located.

Useful tips when boiling eggs

What else is good to remember? To prevent the shell from cracking during boiling, you shouldn't put cold eggs straight from the fridge into boiling water. This is the main reason behind cracked shells. Adding a pinch of salt to the water is also a good idea. This seasoning changes the density of the liquid, meaning that even if the shell cracks during boiling, the contents of the egg won't leak out.

How to cook eggs so they peel easily?
How to cook eggs so they peel easily?© Pixabay
Preventing the shell from cracking can also be aided by a little trick with a pin. Before placing the egg in the pot, prick it on the wider side. Why? The released air won't press with great force from the inside against the eggshell. This, in turn, helps prevent the shell from cracking during boiling.

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