NewsCrackdown on Russian artists signals pre-election intimidation tactics

Crackdown on Russian artists signals pre‑election intimidation tactics

In Russia, arrests of artists opposed to the Kremlin have begun.
In Russia, arrests of artists opposed to the Kremlin have begun.
Images source: © Licensor
ed. MUP

12 March 2024 18:17

Officers of the Federal Security Service (FSB), as well as other security structures, conducted arrests in Moscow. Among those captured were Olga Pachtusova, a member of the Pussy Riot music group, Ilya Mozgoy, a street artist from Yekaterinburg, and Artem Filatov, an artist living in Nizhny Novgorod.

A search was also conducted in the apartment of Katrin Nenasheva, one of the most famous opposition activists, who still resides in Russian territory. In Moscow, the home of Margarita Konovalova, another member of Pussy Riot, was also searched - the Możem Objasnit channel provided such information.

According to independent media, the special services' morning actions are directly related to the upcoming presidential elections. There is a fear that artists might organise various types of events or protests against President Vladimir Putin over the weekend.

Individuals speaking with the Możem Objasnit channel emphasized that on Tuesday, only those who had previously publicly expressed their political opinions were being detained.

"They arrest their own shadow"

- This is an action aimed at intimidation. I keep receiving new information about arrests; it's a large-scale operation. Almost no activists are left in Russia besides Nenasheva, but she has already been arrested. Police officers are not art experts, so they arrest everyone, just in case - said an opposition street artist who uses the pseudonym Slava PTRK.

- They are afraid of everything and everyone around them. Tomorrow, they will arrest their own shadow - added another artist, Philippenzo.

The upcoming presidential elections in Russia are scheduled for 15-17 March. According to experts, the voting will effectively be a referendum, as it is almost certain that Putin will emerge as the winner. The President, who in previous years won in the first round with the support of about 70-80%, will most likely win again.

Source: PAP

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