Tips&TricksBanish unpleasant closet odors with a simple kitchen staple: Bay leaves

Banish unpleasant closet odors with a simple kitchen staple: Bay leaves

The woman is sniffing the laundry.
The woman is sniffing the laundry.
Images source: © Getty Images | Maryviolet

15 February 2024 17:06

Musty, unpleasant odors emitting from your closet are a common issue many people face. These unpleasant odors often originate from bacteria and dust mites, which inhabit your closet's clothing and interior. Among other factors, improper storage of clothes often leads to their growth. Suppose you have a habit of cramming your clothes into the closet, resulting in significant crowding. In that case, you unintentionally allow odor-causing bacteria to thrive in an area with limited air circulation. Unsurprisingly, this leads to unpleasant odors that can sometimes be challenging to remove. Fortunately, we have a proven method to help mitigate this issue - simply place bay leaves in your closet.

Using bay leaves as a homemade closet freshener

There's an array of air freshening products available for use in closets. Some are more effective than others; however, they usually come with a cost. If you're seeking a budget-friendly and simple solution that ensures a refreshing fragrance in your closet, try using bay leaves. Due to aromatic essential oils, bay leaves serve as excellent air fresheners. But that's not all - bay leaves in your closet also dissuade moths! These little critters can wreak havoc on clothes, chewing through and creating unsightly holes. The larvae of these clothing moths primarily feast on woolen fabric, cotton, and fur.

Strategic placement of bay leaves in your closet

If you wish to maintain a pleasant aroma in your closet, hang a cloth bag filled with bay leaves on one of the hangers. Ideally, you should include three to four leaves in each bag. However, make more bay leaf-filled bags if you desire a more potent fragrance. You can hang these or place them in various parts of your closet. It's worth noting this spice not only ensures a delightful, herbal scent for your clothes and closet but also absorbs moisture. This moisture absorption feature is crucial since it addresses the root cause of the unpleasant aroma often found deep within closets.

Another feature worth considering is that bay leaves are excellent for repelling mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects or arachnids. This is attributed to the potent aroma of the plant. So, if you're planning a trip to warmer climates, it's a good idea to pack a bag filled with a few bay leaves in your suitcase. By doing this, you won't have to worry about bed bugs invading your clothes during your travels.

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