FoodWake up with harmony. A Chinese guide to the coffee of the five phases

Wake up with harmony. A Chinese guide to the coffee of the five phases

Five changes coffee - Delights
Five changes coffee - Delights
Images source: © Canva | Alehandra13

26 April 2024 17:56

Many people can't start their morning without a cup of hot, steaming coffee. What if you didn't have to give up your routine but could simply enhance it? Coffee of the five phases could be the perfect drink to kick-start your day.

According to Chinese folk medicine, the Five Phases diet is among the healthiest ways to eat. This intriguing nutrition philosophy balances the five tastes: bitter, sweet, salty, sour, and spicy. These tastes correspond to the five Chinese seasons and elements. Although it may not seem directly linked to coffee, insights from Chinese folk medicine have been integrated into this unique beverage.

Coffee of the Five Phases

This special drink, inspired by this health philosophy, introduces an entirely new spectrum of taste sensations. Considered the coffee of yogis, it's said to be a source of balance and tranquillity.

Move over intense bitterness! The Coffee of the Five Phases amazes with its rich tastes and aromas, created in the spirit of the five elements' harmony. There is no single recipe, as each Chinese province offers its variation. The Coffee of the Five Phases is a carefully crafted blend to achieve taste balance, with various spices, herbs, and fruits added to echo the Five Phases' harmony.

coffee© Getty Images | Khoirun Niam

How to make Coffee of the Five Phases?

Be sure to incorporate all the essential tastes prescribed by Chinese folk medicine. They represent more than just flavour additions; they are symbols, too.

  • Sour: Represents spring and the energy of rebirth. Add lemon juice, grapefruit, or sea buckthorn to the coffee.
  • Bitter: Naturally provided by the coffee and the water it's brewed in.
  • Sweet: The essence of summer and balance. Enhance your coffee with honey, cocoa, or vanilla.
  • Spicy: This spice evokes the warmth of autumn and has an invigorating effect. Instead of pepper, opt for cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, or ginger.
  • Salty: The calm of winter and overall balance. A pinch of salt will highlight the other flavours.


Coffee© Pixabay
  • 300 ml of water,
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon,
  • a pinch of ground ginger,
  • 3-4 cloves,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a few drops of lemon juice,
  • a heaping teaspoon of freshly ground coffee,
  • a teaspoon of honey.

How to prepare:

  1. Pour 300 ml of water into a pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Add a pinch of cinnamon and simmer for about a minute.
  3. Introduce a pinch of ground ginger and 3-4 cloves to the pot.
  4. Add a pinch of salt.
  5. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the pot.
  6. Add a heaping teaspoon of freshly ground coffee.
  7. Take the pot off the heat and stir in a teaspoon of honey.
  8. Strain the mixture and serve in cups.
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