Tips&TricksUnhealthy habits and indoor heat: The unseen threat to your longevity and youthfulness

Unhealthy habits and indoor heat: The unseen threat to your longevity and youthfulness

What habits influence faster ageing?
What habits influence faster ageing?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Master1305

12 February 2024 10:33

Without a doubt, unhealthy habits have an impact on all of us. Even the most strict health-conscious individuals often confess to minor deviations from their regimen. It's perfectly understandable - we're human, not automatons, and even the most stringent self-discipline can momentarily give way. Should this happen, there's absolutely no need for blame, guilt, or anxiety. It's fine to have our little indulgences. This could be irregularities from daily diet, exercise habits, or various minor addictions or rituals. However, when some habits become chronic, they pose serious potential to steal our youth. Which ones should we avoid? In fact, removing just a few destructive routines can make a major difference.

Watching television and living a sedentary lifestyle can reduce your lifespan

A team of Australian researchers has shown that each hour spent watching television could potentially decrease our lifespan by 22 minutes. Findings demonstrate that individuals who consistently spend an average of 6 hours a day watching TV and using a computer or smartphone statistically live shorter lives. The research suggests that such individuals could possibly die up to 5 years earlier as compared to those who refrain from such daily activities.

Furthermore, how we live our lives can greatly affect our longevity and youthful appearance. It's no revelation that those who lead sedentary lives are at an increased risk of various cancers, circulatory diseases, and serious kidney conditions. Hence, it's vitally important to maintain daily physical activity. This doesn't necessitate strenuous gym workouts; even a simple walk in the park or light at-home exercises will suffice.

Does remaining in cooler temperatures slow the ageing process?

According to some experts, high indoor temperatures are not favorable for our health. The consensus is that residing in overly warm environments can lead to dry and inflamed skin. If you frequently overheat your home, your skin may wrinkle more rapidly. Note that frequently rising indoor temperatures can also negatively impact the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, leading to various health issues. Additionally, excessive humidity in rooms is not conducive to health either. Hence, to prolong youthfulness, it's best to maintain a consistently cooler indoor temperature.