FoodSummertime delight: Discovering the sweetest strawberries

Summertime delight: Discovering the sweetest strawberries

Which strawberries are the best?
Which strawberries are the best?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | rzoze19

12 May 2024 17:03

Summer is approaching, bringing a bounty of delicious seasonal fruits. The first strawberries have already made their appearance at the stands. What varieties are the best? Which strawberries are the sweetest? We're here to explain.

Strawberry season kicks off in May and wraps up in July. This is when they're at their peak: sweet, juicy, and flavoured. But it all hinges on the variety. Are you wondering how to pick the sweetest strawberries? What should you look out for? We've compiled a guide to help you on your next shopping trip.

How to choose sweet strawberries?

May marks the arrival of summer fruits, including rhubarb and the first strawberries, which we eagerly await all year. The early strawberries have already started appearing all over Poland. You can find them at stands, markets, or shops, though those are often imported and not as tasty.

How do you choose sweet strawberries? Inspect the fruits. They should be firm and vividly red. If they appear whitish or green, they're not ripe yet. Such strawberries tend to be watery and lack flavour. Are you eager for sweet strawberries? Ask the vendor about the variety. This is crucial, as not all strawberries are naturally sweet, even when fully ripe.

Which varieties are the sweetest? Lambada reigns supreme among the sweet strawberries. These fruits are exceptionally sweet and juicy, ideal for jams, juices, and preserves. You can find them only in June, as it's one of the later varieties. Mid-season, watch for varieties like Daroyal, Sonata, Polka, and Rumba. Much like Lambada, they're delightful and juicy but not watery, perfect for raw consumption and use in cakes or preserves.

Which early strawberries are the sweetest?

These mentioned varieties become available in the latter half of June. Don't want to wait that long? Among the early strawberries, several varieties are notably sweet. Kent, Honeoye, Alba, and Donna are among them.

You'll also find varieties like Christine, Gigant, and Elsanta in May. These aren't juicy or sweet but have a soft texture and a distinct tartness, making them suitable for baking and mousses and perfect for cakes and desserts.

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