LifestyleSuccessful lovemaking and renewed intimacy: Menopause myths debunked

Successful lovemaking and renewed intimacy: Menopause myths debunked

More and more women still enjoy satisfying sex after menopause.
More and more women still enjoy satisfying sex after menopause.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

2 June 2024 20:04

Menopause is a challenging time for many women, not only due to its accompanying physical ailments. Some believe it also marks the end of their sexual activity, although more and more women are breaking these stereotypes.

Menopause is a physiological transitional period in every woman's life, ending the reproductive age and starting the aging process. Naturally, ovarian activity begins to decline, oestrogen levels drop, and often libido as well.

Many women experience mood swings and sudden feelings of heat. Due to the changes that often occur in the body and greater difficulty in losing unnecessary pounds, the sense of attractiveness also decreases. This can be overwhelming and causes some women to start giving up on sex.

Successful sex after menopause

As anti-ageism activist and menopause educator Aleksandra Laudańska said in an interview with Wysokie Obcasy, she faced many ailments during menopause, such as body pain, decreased libido, and vaginal dryness. Her figure changed, which affected her self-confidence.

"I like myself curvier, I like my bigger breasts, but in perimenopause, a belly appeared, which is extremely difficult to lose. It doesn’t suit me," she said.

The "Wysokie Obcasy" interviewee admitted that hormone therapy prescribed by a gynaecologist helped with the menopausal ailments. Support also came from a younger partner. The woman added that although she once preferred fast, spontaneous sex, her encounters now last significantly longer and are more sensual, and she – as she mentioned – "experiences multiple orgasms."

The second interviewee also opted for hormone therapy. However, she admitted that the end of menstruation and the lack of risk of pregnancy were a relief, and sex – as she stated – "became even better than before."

Hormonal support

As gynaecology and obstetrics specialist Agnieszka Nalewczyńska explained, quoted by "Wysokie Obcasy" – a drop in oestrogen causes vaginal dryness. This, in turn, affects the quality of intercourse and can lead to abrasions and injuries and consequently to frequent infections.

"A large number of patients will say goodbye to the problem of vaginal dryness thanks to menopausal hormone therapy. Those in whom atrophy continues to persist should take hormones not only systemically but also vaginally," she said.

In addition, the expert mentioned that urogynecological physiotherapy might also be helpful, as might aesthetic gynaecology in specific cases.

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