FoodSalt in your tea? The surprising science behind the perfect brew

Salt in your tea? The surprising science behind the perfect brew

This spice in tea is extremely healthy.
This spice in tea is extremely healthy.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

26 September 2024 17:57

Did you know that regular salt can completely change the taste of your favourite tea? It sounds strange, but the latest scientific studies confirm that adding a pinch of salt to the brew can produce surprising effects.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and it can be prepared in many ways. Traditionally, we add sugar, lemon, milk, honey, or spices to it. However, another unconventional addition can revolutionise our approach to this beverage. Tea with the addition of salt—although it may sound surprising—is gaining increasing recognition in the scientific community.

Experimenting with different tea additives is nothing new, but salt? Does it make sense? American chemistry professor Michelle Francl from Bryn Mawr College, author of the book "Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea," claims that adding salt to tea can improve its taste and bring health benefits. In this article, we will look at why tea with the addition of salt can become an interesting alternative to traditional preparation methods.

Salt - the secret to perfect tea?

Although adding salt to tea may seem unusual, it has scientific justification. Research conducted by Prof. Michelle Francl has shown that the sodium in salt can block taste receptors responsible for bitterness. This makes the tea milder and more pleasant, especially if you prefer strong brews.

Why try tea with salt?

  • Reduced bitterness: Salt neutralises the unpleasant bitterness that can occur in some types of tea, especially those brewed for a long time.
  • Increased enjoyment: Tea becomes more pleasant to the palate thanks to a milder taste.
  • A tradition spanning centuries: Adding salt to tea is a practice known for centuries and used in various cultures.
  • Healthy habits: Whether sweetened or not, tea is a rich source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and protect cells from damage.

Don't overdo it with the amount of salt! Just a pinch is enough to feel the difference. Experiment to find the perfect proportion for yourself. Remember, salt should only subtly enhance the taste of the tea, not dominate it.

Tea with salt – more than just taste

Although adding salt to tea may seem novel, it's worth remembering that tea is an extremely healthy beverage. Regular consumption of tea can bring many benefits to our body, such as:

  • Strengthening the immune system: Thanks to the antioxidants, tea helps fight infections and supports the immune system.
  • Improving heart health: Regular tea drinking can lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Weight loss: Tea can speed up metabolism and aid in the weight loss.
  • Improved concentration: The caffeine in tea stimulates the nervous system and improves concentration.