NewsRussian soldier tied to tree as punishment for equipment complaints

Russian soldier tied to tree as punishment for equipment complaints

A Russian was tied to a tree by his own people.
A Russian was tied to a tree by his own people.
Images source: © X | Nexta
Marcin Lewicki

12 June 2024 07:21

Russian military personnel once again demonstrate cruelty and a disregard for human rights. Putin's army commanders not only disrespect their opponents but also their soldiers. An example? They tied their soldier to a tree for complaining about the lack of equipment.

Biełsat reports on the incident. A Russian conscript was tied to a tree and exposed to lethal danger by his commanders. The reason was a dispute with his superiors. This incident underscores the brutality within Vladimir Putin's army.

What did the mobilised Andrei Yeliseyenko do wrong? Biełsat journalists state that the conscript "avoided drinking alcohol" and lodged a complaint to the command about the lack of equipment for his unit.

The root of the dispute between him and the command was that the man did not drink alcohol, and the battery he led lacked proper equipment. During an inspection, Andrei aired all grievances, which further enraged his superiors. Right afterwards, he spent four hours tied to a tree—according to the report posted on the platform X.

He was tied for four hours. It was torture for the Russian conscript

A recording of the actions by Russian commanders appeared on independent Russian news channels. Biełsat reports that "shortly afterwards, the spot where the conscript was tied came under fire, but Andrei survived".

Russian soldiers captured by the Ukrainian army have repeatedly recounted that their command treats them "like cannon fodder". Reports appeared online of conscripts complaining about the lack of food on the front lines, poor sanitary conditions, and difficulty obtaining equipment. The situation highlighted in the recording is yet another example of such conduct.

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