FoodRevolutionizing leftover cuisine: the oven sauna trick for juicy pork chops

Revolutionizing leftover cuisine: the oven sauna trick for juicy pork chops

You don't like reheated cutlets? This method will change everything, they will be as if just taken off the pan.
You don't like reheated cutlets? This method will change everything, they will be as if just taken off the pan.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

15 April 2024 16:22

Reheated pork chops often turn out tough and flavourless, which can be disappointing. However, I've discovered a method that completely transforms how you reheat pork chops, making you forget traditional methods like using a skillet or microwave.

Pork chop - the highlight of Polish dining! It's difficult to envision a meal without it, as its delicious flavour wins over both locals and tourists. Though freshly fried pork chops are unbeatable, we sometimes end up with leftovers. Regrettably, these chops often lose their moisture when reheated and turn as tough as shoe leather. But there's an easy solution! Simply reheat them in a water bath in the oven, and they'll taste as good as when freshly made!

The secret is a "sauna" for chops

The secret to making leftover pork chops tender and juicy again is creating oven conditions that mimic a sauna. This involves placing a dish filled with water (such as an ovenproof bowl) inside the oven. As the oven heats up, the water evaporates, enveloping the chops in a gentle mist. This process ensures the meat stays juicy and tender while the breading remains crispy.

How to reheat pork chops in the oven?

  1. Prepare the chops: After frying, let them cool and seal them in a container to lock in moisture.
  2. Create a sauna: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Place a dish filled with water on the bottom rack.
  3. Reheat the chops: Put the chops on a rack above the water bowl. Just 15-20 minutes is enough to restore their juiciness and flavour.

To enhance the flavour of the chops even further after reheating, consider these additional tips:

  • Before placing them in the oven, sprinkle a bit of oil or broth over the chops.
  • Add lemon slices or fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary to the water dish for added aroma.
  • Use parchment paper instead of aluminium foil.
  • After reheating, quickly sear the chops in a skillet with hot fat for a crispy crust.

Say goodbye to rubbery and bland pork chops with the oven water bath method. This technique ensures that reheated chops are just as moist and tasty as they were on the day they were cooked. Give it a try and taste the difference for yourself!

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