FoodRediscovering the superfruit: Why gooseberries deserve a comeback

Rediscovering the superfruit: Why gooseberries deserve a comeback

Gooseberry is a forgotten fruit
Gooseberry is a forgotten fruit
Images source: © Pixabay

14 June 2024 14:43

Although somewhat forgotten today, gooseberries deserve special recognition due to their health benefits. Many experts consider them one of the healthiest fruits available on the market.

Have you ever wondered why gooseberries don't enjoy the same popularity today as they once did? Is it because they are not as sweet as many other seasonal fruits? Or maybe something about their appearance no longer catches our attention? While gooseberries may not be as beloved as strawberries, strawberries are not gooseberries either - exceptionally juicy, slightly crunchy, combining sweet and sour flavours. And that's not the only reason they're worth eating.

Why is it worth eating gooseberries?

One of the most important arguments for eating gooseberries is their exceptionally rich content of vitamins. Gooseberries contain nearly 20 times more ascorbic acid than oranges. But that's not all. Gooseberries also contain B vitamins, A and E, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as antioxidants. Additionally, they help combat high cholesterol, may prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease, aid concentration, soothe nerves, and provide a sense of relaxation.

Specialists claim that ripe gooseberries also have anti-cancer properties. Such fruits contain serotonin, ellagic acid, and coumarin, which positively affect the nervous system and protect us from potential threats from cancer cells.

Gooseberries for weight loss

Gooseberries are often mentioned in the context of weight loss diets. Why? Because these small, unassuming fruits surprisingly contain a lot of dietary fibre - a component responsible for the proper functioning of the intestines. Thanks to this fibre, we feel full for a long time and avoid unhealthy snacks between meals. Additionally, gooseberries are low-calorie fruits.

Gooseberry© Canva | iSailorr –

Due to their high fibre content, which stimulates bowel movements, regularly consuming gooseberries can help relieve troublesome constipation. Moreover, they contain malic and citric acids, which aid digestion. Two servings of raw fruits (with skin and seeds) daily can bring relief.

Uses of gooseberries in the kitchen

Gooseberries are not only healthy but also delicious. They can be eaten raw, alone or as an ingredient in salads. Gooseberries can also be frozen, juiced, or used for preserves such as jams, jellies, preserves, or compotes (e.g., with strawberries). Gooseberries are also suitable as ingredients in cakes, muffins, liqueurs, or wines.