NewsPresident Macron makes urgent visit as unrest grips New Caledonia

President Macron makes urgent visit as unrest grips New Caledonia

Riots broke out in New Caledonia. Demonstrators are demanding the rights of the indigenous people, the Kanaks.
Riots broke out in New Caledonia. Demonstrators are demanding the rights of the indigenous people, the Kanaks.
Images source: © Getty Images | Alain Pitton

22 May 2024 12:03

The French president embarked on an unscheduled visit to the overseas territory. Waves of serious unrest have been sweeping through New Caledonia in recent weeks, so Paris decided to introduce social precautionary measures there—the first state of emergency in 40 years.

Government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot announced President Macron's sudden trip to New Caledonia on Tuesday evening. The journey is meant to confirm that the situation in France's overseas territories is normalising and that the previously undertaken actions have resulted in restoring control.

It is unknown how long this presidential mission will last. Its goal is to establish order. The state of emergency, declared by the French authorities last week, can last only 12 days.

The crisis in New Caledonia, a community under France's oversight in the western Pacific Ocean, about 1,400 kilometres east of Australia, erupted on 13 May. Paris had announced a proposed reform to the electoral system.

The proposed changes concern the right to vote. Voting rights are to be granted to people who have been permanent residents of New Caledonia for at least 10 years. The rebels are defending the electoral rights of the indigenous population—the Kanaks.

New Caledonia. President Macron has gone to the overseas territory

Activists advocating for the country's independence protested against the project. The country plunged into chaos, and clashes in the streets occurred. The participants were confronted not only with uniformed services but also with self-defence groups. Shops and shopping centres were looted, arson was committed, and destruction was caused.

The response to the demonstrations and turbulent occurrences was the French authorities' decision to send the military to protect public buildings. However, as noted by AFP, despite numerous patrols by soldiers, police, and gendarmerie in the streets, complete peace cannot yet be assured. At any moment, the riots might erupt again.

In fear for their citizens' safety, Australian and New Zealand authorities are sending special planes to Noumea airport. These additional transports are meant to help numerous tourists leave the troubled country.

New Caledonia, belonging to France since 1853, is, according to the UN, one of the last 17 existing colonies in the world. Paris still has 13 similar overseas territories.

Under the agreements from Noumea in 1998, New Caledonia created its government and parliament. France transferred to local authorities competencies in education and an economy based on nickel ore extraction.

However, the French colony did not become a place of cultural equality. Deep divisions persist between the indigenous population—the Kanaks, harmed by the colonisers, and the Caldoches, descendants of French prisoners exiled in the 19th century.

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