How to keep mice away: Simple tricks to safeguard your home
During the autumn-winter period, mice seek shelter. For this purpose, they visit our homes, cellars, garages, and even attics. Fortunately, there is a simple and affordable way to deal with them once and for all.
Most of us immediately take to our heels at the sight of them. Not only do they appear unfriendly, but they can also carry many dangerous diseases, such as salmonella and even rabies. It's no wonder that when we notice them in our homes, we want to get rid of them as soon as possible. We advise you on how to do it.
What attracts mice to the house?
Mice in the house should not surprise anyone. After all, with the arrival of colder days, they try to find a place to survive the winter. Although they are afraid of people and flee in panic at the sight of them, we sometimes encounter them unexpectedly. Unsurprisingly, they have taken a liking to garages, pantries, and cellars. These are places where they can easily find food.
That is why, to protect ourselves from their visit in our homes, it's important to keep food in tightly closed containers. This is crucial to prevent rodents from gaining access to it, making our home seem uninviting for them to live in.
Food scraps and crumbs also attract them. Regular and thorough cleaning will help minimise the risk of leaving these on the floor or counter, ensuring they won't have anything to snack on in our home.
A homemade method to get rid of mice from the house
There are many proven methods for quickly ridding our homes of mice. Often, we use traps or poisons available in shops for this purpose. However, instead of spending money on such products, it's worth using what most of us already have in the kitchen.
We need crushed instant noodle pasta, which should be sprinkled with sugar and baking soda. In this case, the first two ingredients serve as bait for the mice, while the baking soda causes the rodents to produce more gas. After consuming this prepared mixture, these creatures should quickly disappear from our homes.