LifestylePickling controversy: Expert warns against plastic container use

Pickling controversy: Expert warns against plastic container use

Pickling cucumbers in plastic has become fashionable
Pickling cucumbers in plastic has become fashionable
Images source: © Youtube | Julia Hobbies

24 May 2024 17:22

We see homemade pickles in 20-litre jugs or resealable bags more and more often. Some say it's a practical solution. Blogger Sylwia Panek thinks somewhat differently. "These are not products intended for this purpose," she warns.

Although the cucumber season is just ahead of us, imported varieties are available for sale. However, the tastiest are the native ones—we can buy them shortly after harvest. As a result, they are crunchy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and simply delicious.

Pickling in bottles and bags: Are such pickles healthy?

It's worth eating them raw, but stocking up on homemade pickles is also a good idea. Pickled goods are a rich source of, among other things, vitamins B and C, magnesium, potassium, and essential minerals that strengthen the immune system and digestive tract—provided they are properly prepared.

It's best to pickle cucumbers in ceramic vessels (stoneware pots work great) or glass jars. These allow you to prepare smaller batches that you can successfully store in the basement for the winter. Some argue that preparing preserves in large plastic bottles, often 20-litre water bottles, is a great idea. Others even use bags.

"Do not pickle in plastic bottles or resealable bags! These are not products intended for this purpose, and research shows that such practices increase the amount of substances released from the material into our food," warns Sylwia Panek, author of the profile "wzdrowymdomu" on Instagram.

"No research convinces them." The expert advises differently

The blogger specializing in home tips confirms a well-known rule that natural materials are best for contact with food. "That's why for homemade preserves, it's best to choose glass (or if you have them, ceramic vessels are also great)," she advises. The expert hit a sensitive spot because plastic pickling has become quite trendy.

"People who make pickles in plastic, no research convinces them, you can talk endlessly, it's like talking to a wall, they just prefer the taste from plastic bottles," "I admit I once succumbed to the trend of pickling in plastic bottles, but fortunately it never worked out for me that way, and in glass always delicious," we read in the comments under the post.

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