FoodMake your mozzarella: A taste of Italy at home

Make your mozzarella: A taste of Italy at home

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mozzarella, mozzarelle, bufala, sud, italia, bufalo, latte, latticino, caseario, treccia, bocconcino, artigianale, commestibile, buono, antipasto, bianco, fresco, morbido, gustoso, grondante, goccia, lacrima, pasta, mucca, vacca, vaccino, ovini, formaggio, colesterolo, intolleranza, campania
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6 June 2024 15:51

Mozzarella is one of those cheeses without which it's hard to imagine Italian cuisine. The mild-tasting, soft, and creamy ball tastes excellent when hot and as an addition to salads. Instead of buying ready-made mozzarella in the store, make it yourself at home. It's simpler than it might seem.

I love caprese salad, especially in the summer when tomatoes smell and taste the way they should. Of course, a caprese salad can't be complete without mozzarella. During one of my visits to sunny Italy, I learned a homemade recipe for this cheese.

It might seem not easy, but nothing could be further from the truth. It works on the first try, so even beginners can handle it. You don't have to buy rennet immediately; try preparing mozzarella with vinegar.

Homemade mozzarella cheese recipe

Mozzarella is a classic Italian cheese, traditionally made from buffalo milk. However, you don't have to worry about where to get such dairy. It can just as well be made from cow's milk, retaining its unique taste and texture.

Homemade mozzarella cheese - Deliciousness
Homemade mozzarella cheese - Deliciousness© Pixabay | el_duderino123

Mozzarella is essential in many Italian dishes, including pizza and lasagna. You can boldly add it to salads or sandwich crusts. This unassuming white ball is a wealth of calcium, B vitamins, and protein. And most importantly, it's simply delicious!


  • 2 litres of whole milk (at least 3.2% fat content)
  • 120 millilitres of white vinegar
  • 5 grams of non-iodized salt


  1. Pour the milk into a pot with a thick bottom and heat over medium heat until it reaches 46°C.
  2. Reduce the heat and pour in the vinegar. Mix and remove the pot from the heat.
  3. The milk and vinegar mixture should start to curdle. Continue mixing until clear curds and whey form.
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and set it aside for 30 minutes.
  5. Using a sieve, drain the whey from the cheese. Use a wooden spoon to squeeze out any excess liquid. Then, form a ball, continually squeezing out the excess water.
  6. Heat the drained whey to 71°C and add the salt.
  7. Pour the warm whey over the mozzarella ball. Soak for a while.
  8. Remove the mozzarella ball and squeeze out the excess water. Transfer the cheese to a separate bowl with cold water for a moment.

Homemade mozzarella is ready. Enjoy!

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