LifestyleLauren Giraldo's 12-3-30: The trending fitness hack that works

Lauren Giraldo's 12‑3-30: The trending fitness hack that works

Lauren Giraldo is a famous influencer. During the pandemic, she patented an innovative weight loss method. By following her guidelines, she lost over 13 kilograms. What is the workout she created all about?

The 12-3-30 method has taken over TikTok.
The 12-3-30 method has taken over TikTok.
Images source: © Instagram | @laurengiraldo

Many people dream of a slim and athletic figure. If you want to lose a few extra pounds, try the 12-3-30 method created by American influencer Lauren Giraldo. You don't have to live in the gym to enjoy a beautiful body. TikTok claims that 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough.

The 12-3-30 method is a hit. Just 30 minutes a day is enough

Lauren Giraldo is a popular TikToker and Instagrammer. During the pandemic, she decided to lose some weight. She patented an innovative method called 12-3-30, which involves daily full-body exercise.

Also read: A rush to the gyms. Employees complain about "newbies"

The method is very simple. Set the treadmill to the maximum incline (12%) and speed to 4.8 kilometres per hour, and the walk should last for 30 minutes. The exercise may be challenging for people who haven’t led an active lifestyle before.

The 12-3-30 workout gained popularity thanks to TikTok, where many women started sharing their successes. On social media, you can find numerous videos with effects that amaze users.

How to start exercising?

Although the 12-3-30 method is quite intense, beginners can start with shorter sessions or a lower treadmill incline. It's important to adjust the workout to your capabilities and gradually increase the intensity. The effects of the workout can be noticeable after just a few weeks of regular exercise.

"Thank you for this workout! It made it easier for me to lose weight," "12-3-30 is the best workout ever," "At first, I could only last ten minutes. Now I do the whole thing!" - we read in the comments under the influencer's posts.

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