AutosHow to tackle frozen car doors and stay winter-ready

How to tackle frozen car doors and stay winter-ready

Winter can pose many challenges for drivers, one of which is efficiently opening car doors. How do you deal with frozen locks and seals? Here are a few ways to handle frozen doors.

How to open frozen car doors?
How to open frozen car doors?
Images source: © Getty Images | Brian Jackson

Winter is about beautiful landscapes and the daily difficulties of keeping the car ready to drive. One common problem is frozen doors, which can significantly hinder morning departures. What can be done to prevent car doors from freezing? To avoid such situations, it's worth starting with simple preventive measures. Lubricating seals with glycerine is a proven method. Glycerine creates a protective layer on the rubber surface, making it more difficult for moisture to freeze.

Another equally effective method is coating the seals with petroleum jelly. It's inexpensive and effectively protects the seals from winter challenges. Regular use of these products is an investment that pays off with trouble-free door opening.

How to open frozen car doors?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid door freezing, especially when the frost intensifies. In such situations, chemical de-icers for locks and seals can be quite useful. They are widely available at petrol stations and supermarkets, and their application is quick and simple. Just gently spray the lock and seals, and after a moment, the ice begins to melt, facilitating door opening.

Another method for frozen car doors is using a warmed-up key. When no de-icers are at hand, the key can be gently heated with, for example, a lighter. This should be done carefully to avoid damaging the remote. Hairdryers can also be used if a power source is available. The warm air should be directed at the frozen lock and seals. Both of these methods involve gently melting the ice in locks using heat. When using a hairdryer, remember not to keep the stream of heat directed at one spot for too long.

When attempting to open frozen doors, it is strongly advised against using force, as this may damage the handle or tear the seals. Remember not to pull the doors towards you. A better solution is to try pushing them in, which can help break the ice. Using hot water is also dangerous. The temperature difference can damage windows and paintwork.

What to do if frozen doors still won't open?

Sometimes, despite using various methods, the doors still won't budge. In such cases, you can try entering the car through other doors or the boot. If you finally manage to get inside, you can turn on the heating and wait until the ice begins to melt, often making it easier to open the driver's door.

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