TechInside Russia's secret bunker: The mysterious Jamantau complex

Inside Russia's secret bunker: The mysterious Jamantau complex

Beneath the Jamantau massif lies a mysterious bunker that may serve as Russia's "backup capital. " American intelligence has corroborated information about this installation from the 1990s.

Jamantau - the most mysterious mountain in Russia
Jamantau - the most mysterious mountain in Russia
Images source: © Licensor | CC BY-SA 3.0, Panoramio, Yamigos
Amanda Grzmiel

Mount Jamantau, the highest peak of the Southern Urals, conceals a mysterious bunker beneath it that may function as Russia's backup capital. This installation, which has been under construction since the 1970s, is intended to ensure the safety of Russian authorities in crisis situations.

Mysterious construction works

Construction work beneath Jamantau commenced in the 1970s and persisted despite the economic challenges during Boris Yeltsin's presidency. As early as 1996, American intelligence reported the existence of a substantial bunker capable of accommodating up to 60,000 people, including Russian elites.

Jamantau serves not only as a backup capital but also forms part of the "Dead Hand" system, which ensures an automatic response from strategic nuclear forces in the event of the destruction of command centres. This is a crucial element of the Russian defence strategy.

Confirmations from various sources

Although the details of its operation are unknown, the existence of the installation beneath Jamantau was confirmed by the former Russian defence minister, Marshal Igor Sergeyev. Additionally, General Eugene E. Habiger from the American Strategic Command remarked on Jamantau, stating: "It's a very large complex. We estimate there are millions of square feet of underground facilities. Unfortunately, we have no idea what (the Russians) are doing there."

The Russian Ministry of Defence, naturally, does not disclose any information about installations related to national security. In the 1990s, Minister Igor Rodionov stressed that it is not customary to inform foreign media about such projects. This only adds to the enigma surrounding Jamantau.

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