LifestyleHow to keep your teeth white: Common brushing mistakes revealed

How to keep your teeth white: Common brushing mistakes revealed

The pursuit of a snow-white smile is a goal for many. However, achieving it is not straightforward. Many of us make mistakes that cause our teeth to turn yellow. Dr Ferakh Hamid revealed what we should never do to our teeth, and unfortunately, it often happens to us.

A snow-white smile is the goal of many people.
A snow-white smile is the goal of many people.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

We frequently make errors that prevent our teeth from looking as good as we would like. The problem of yellowing teeth is unfortunately common, and even expensive whitening toothpastes don't always lead to improvement. What should we avoid to prevent a significantly faster development of a yellow tinge on enamel?

What to do to keep your teeth from turning yellow?

Most of us take care of our teeth by investing in costly whitening toothpastes, hoping for a broad, white smile. However, as dentist Dr Ferakh Hamid, who has been practising dentistry for over 20 years, points out, proper preparation of the toothbrush before use is key. We often make a simple mistake.

- Dry brushing might seem good for getting rid of surface stains at first, but without water, toothpaste doesn't spread well, leading to dull teeth - he said in a conversation with Leeds.

Dr Hamid also noted that the toothbrush bristles should be moistened before starting to brush your teeth and re-moistened after applying toothpaste to ensure even distribution.

Don't brush your teeth right after eating something spicy

A specialist from Columbia University, Dr Ezzard Rolle, recommends refraining from brushing teeth immediately after consuming acidic or spicy products. Acidic substances in the mouth can weaken enamel if teeth are brushed straightaway after consumption. Instead, it's best to rinse the mouth with water, which aids the remineralisation of enamel.

Basic oral hygiene rules include brushing teeth at least twice a day, ideally after every meal. However, this should not always be done immediately, particularly after consuming foods such as fruits, juices, sweets, and fizzy drinks.

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