LifestyleHomemade fertilizers to boost your zamioculcas' growth and beauty

Homemade fertilizers to boost your zamioculcas' growth and beauty

Zamiokulkas is a popular plant in Polish homes
Zamiokulkas is a popular plant in Polish homes
Images source: © Adobe Stock

1 June 2024 19:48

Zamioculcas is an elegant and relatively easy-to-grow plant, so it's no wonder that many people choose it to decorate their homes or apartments. However, it is worth using homemade fertilizer occasionally to ensure the plant flourishes even more.

Zamioculcas is an exceptionally elegant green plant, also known as the "plant for the forgetful." This is because it does not require specialized and complicated care and, since it belongs to the succulent family, it has the ability to store water in its leaves and rhizome. Therefore, people who regularly forget to water it should still be able to maintain it well.

Despite its resilience, it is worth dedicating a moment to zamioculcas now and then, and its glossy leaves will be an excellent decoration for the room for years. For this purpose, it's worth using homemade fertilizers.

Homemade pomegranate spray

You will need dried pomegranate peel to prepare the first homemade fertilizer, which will nourish the plant's leaves and encourage new shoots to appear. It is important to remove all the seeds and dry the peel well in the sun or in the oven.

Next, grind it into a powder and put it in a jar. You will only need about three tablespoons of the powder, a cup of water, and half a teaspoon of Epsom salt. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for about 24 hours.

Then, transfer the mixture to a spray bottle and, once a month, thoroughly spray the soil where you planted the zamioculcas. Thanks to the elements contained in the pomegranate peel, such as calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, the plant will quickly come back to life, and new shoots will appear rapidly.

Water your zamioculcas with this. It will produce new leaves

Another plant rich in the necessary nutrients and suitable for preparing a good fertilizer for zamioculcas is nettle. To brew an infusion, simply pour boiling water over fresh or dried nettles. Once cooled, water the plant and wait for it to produce new, beautiful leaves.

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