FoodHealth benefits of strawberries: Taste meets well-being in berry season

Health benefits of strawberries: Taste meets well-being in berry season

Strawberries - are they really healthy? Dietitian comments
Strawberries - are they really healthy? Dietitian comments
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Studio13lights

29 May 2024 09:01

A certified nutritionist has decided to share her knowledge on the health benefits of strawberries. As the season for these delicious berries is in full swing, it's worth considering what benefits, beyond their pleasurable taste, we can gain from regularly consuming them.

Strawberries are considered incredibly healthy fruits, but the key is their origins. Their source of origin is of great importance, as strawberries have consistently been at the top of the list of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits in the world.

For this reason, strawberry enthusiasts rarely use imported fruits available throughout the year, opting to wait patiently for the harvest season from the farms. They know these fruits so well that they can distinguish local strawberries from imported ones at first glance. Once recognized, they can enjoy their exquisite taste and excellent health benefits, described some time ago on by certified nutritionist Jo Lewin.

Why is it worth eating strawberries?

Eating strawberries from farms is an excellent combination of pleasure and health. No one needs to be convinced of their exceptional taste, but it's worth paying attention to their health properties. Nutritionist Jo Lewin categorized the benefits of these fruits into five categories. Here they are:

  1. First, strawberries support heart function. They contain anthocyanidins, which prevent inflammation and diseases of this vital organ.
  2. Second, they regulate blood sugar levels. The anthocyanins found in strawberries slow down glucose digestion and reduce insulin usage. This effect is even more substantial if strawberries are part of a meal rich in carbohydrates.
  3. Third, they may potentially treat the effects of type 2 diabetes. Although Jo Lewin admits that more extensive research is needed on this topic, current indications suggest that the polyphenols in strawberries may positively affect diabetes conditions. Besides regulating blood sugar levels, they can also help control blood pressure.
  4. Fourth, they protect against cancer. The combination of polyphenols in strawberries—ellagic acid and ellagitannins—can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. However, studies confirming this effect have only been conducted on animals.
  5. Fifth, they support weight control. A diet based on low-glycaemic index products (strawberries are low-glycaemic index products) is not only helpful in controlling weight but also reduces the incidence of diseases resulting from obesity.

Everything indicates that strawberries are one of those rare cases where you can combine what is tasty with what is healthy.

Strawberries are healthy as long as they come from a good source.
Strawberries are healthy as long as they come from a good source.© Canva | Engin Akyurt