Tips&TricksGoogle's new styling feature: Revolutionizing online shopping

Google's new styling feature: Revolutionizing online shopping

Fashion is constantly changing, and many of us can't keep up with what's currently trending. Instead of puzzling over how to put together a cohesive outfit, just grab your phone. Google will help you figure out what to wear.

Google will help you choose an outfit.
Google will help you choose an outfit.
Images source: © Getty Images | Antonio_Diaz

You might have a million outfits in your wardrobe, but none match the others. Some clothes are reserved strictly for big outings, others are just for picking up bread at the store, and a portion of your wardrobe consists of random finds that don’t fit into any category. These clothes didn’t end up in your wardrobe by accident—you bought them. Does this mean you have bad taste? No, you just need to learn what suits you, and for that, Google's search engine comes in handy.

Google will suggest what to buy to match your style

How many times have you bought something just because it was in fashion? This problem affects most of us and is usually linked to a lack of a defined style. "Fashionable? Then I'll buy it." That's usually how it goes, only to realise later that each item is completely from "another parish." If you want fashion to be your ally, learn to use Google and artificial intelligence to guide your shopping choices.

Imagine you want to buy new shoes. You usually wear trainers in a single colour and don't experiment with colours. If you type just the shoe's name into the search engine, you'll be bombarded with many models that don't match the rest of your wardrobe. The key is to teach Google your style and force the site only to show you options that suit you.

Google can help with your shopping. Just configure your browser

A new Google feature will act like a personal stylist who knows exactly what you need. The browser will have a new feature called "Recommended styles". How will it work? Initially, you must provide your preferences. You’ll then be presented with several stylings and decide to accept or reject a particular style. After a few tries, the algorithm automatically detects what you like and offers coherent suggestions.

How does it all work? Type "floral dress" into Google, and the browser will offer you all the options in online stores that fit your pre-approved preferences. Brilliant, isn't it? This way, all the clothes in your wardrobe will be coherent, and you'll finally find your style. For now, Google is rolling out this feature for residents of the USA, but we believe a similar update will also appear in our country soon.


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