NewsEU reacts to Russian media ban with unprecedented countermeasures

EU reacts to Russian media ban with unprecedented countermeasures

The Russians are blocking European media. Polish titles on the list.
The Russians are blocking European media. Polish titles on the list.
Images source: ©, PAP
Marcin Lewicki

25 June 2024 20:27

The Russian authorities are responding to the European Union's decision to ban three Russian propaganda media outlets. By the decision of the authorities in Moscow, over 81 European titles will be blocked within the Russian Federation's territory.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation decided to restrict broadcasting and block the websites of 81 media titles operating in the European Union. This announcement appeared on the Russian MFA's website.

This is a response to the European Union authorities' decision to block the broadcasting of four Russian propaganda media outlets: "Voice of Europe," "RIA Novosti," "Izvestia," and "Rossiyskaya Gazeta."

In retaliation, Moscow has blocked access to many European media outlets. Among the blocked titles are AFP, Der Spiegel, and Politico. Russians will also not be able to read Le Monde or La Repubblica. The Kremlin has restricted access to many news agencies, television stations, and the websites of Europe's most popular media outlets.

The Russian MFA's spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, announced on Monday (June 24) that the Russian government intends to block European media.

If they are taken against Russian media and journalists, Western journalists and media will also feel their retaliatory measures, said the Russian propagandist.
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