FoodDiscover "chicken of the woods": Nature's vegan delight

Discover "chicken of the woods": Nature's vegan delight

Sulphur polypore is called the "chicken of the woods".
Sulphur polypore is called the "chicken of the woods".
Images source: © Adobe Stock

3 October 2024 13:38

The world of mushrooms certainly conceals flavours that many people have never imagined. During forest walks, it's worth watching not only for chanterelles, boletes, and porcini mushrooms. A particular species grows on tree trunks you'll love once you've prepared it.

A Facebook post appeared from a user who discovered an unusual mushroom called the "chicken of the woods". This yellow-orange mushroom, which grows on deciduous trees, can be prepared to resemble the chicken taste. It sounds quite improbable, but the reason becomes clear after trying it. The umami content, or the so-called "meaty" flavour found in mushrooms, is significant; in this case, when combined with the right texture, it transforms the sulphur shelf into forest chicken.

Look out for this mushroom

Sulphur shelves can mainly be found on trees such as oaks or chestnuts, particularly from May to July. However, younger specimens can also be found in the autumn, so it's worth keeping alert while mushroom hunting. This mushroom is notable for its size, ranging from 10 to 50 centimetres in diameter, and its vivid yellow-orange colour. Collecting only young specimens is important, as older ones are tough and inedible. Before picking, it's wise to check the softness of the underside of the cap.

Young, fruiting bodies have a vibrant yellow colour, which fades as they age. Older specimens are often more orange or white. Besides the underside of the cap, pay attention to the entire structure of the mushroom. Young sulphur shelves are soft and juicy, whereas older ones become hard and tough. Always examine the mushroom carefully and consult an expert if in doubt.

Sulphur polypore known as chicken of the woods
Sulphur polypore known as chicken of the woods© Pixabay
Do not collect sulphur shelf growing on yew trees, as there is a risk that the mushroom will absorb toxic substances from the tree.

How to use sulphur shelf in the kitchen

Sulphur shelf is an exciting mushroom that can be an intriguing alternative to meat. If you enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and want to try something new, it's worth searching for it in the forest (providing you know how to identify it) and preparing a delicious dish.

Before using the sulphur shelf, it must be boiled for 10–20 minutes. This mushroom is excellent for tarts, pâtés, or cutlets despite emitting an unpleasant odour during cooking. It can also be breaded and fried like traditional cutlets. It's a superb substitute for chicken that will add variety to your diet.

Sulphur polypore
Sulphur polypore© Canva | altocumulus