FoodCloudberry: The Nordic treasure packed with vitamins and antioxidants

Cloudberry: The Nordic treasure packed with vitamins and antioxidants

Cloudberries are smaller and have a different colour than the ones we are familiar with.
Cloudberries are smaller and have a different colour than the ones we are familiar with.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

23 June 2024 18:12

These small, unassuming, yellow-orange "clouds" possess properties many fruits might envy. We are talking about cloudberries. Believed to be a remnant of the Ice Age, cloudberries, also known as Nordic raspberries, have been utilised in natural medicine for years, offer great beauty benefits, and taste excellent. What sets them apart from the raspberries we are familiar with, and can you purchase them?

Cloudberry, called due to its resemblance to small clouds, is a plant from the rose family. It predominantly grows in the colder regions of the northern hemisphere, such as Scandinavia, Canada, and Alaska. Nonetheless, you can buy its seedlings and cultivate them in your garden.

Cloudberry contains more vitamin C than oranges

Cloudberry is predominantly a treasure trove of vitamins. It boasts abundant vitamins A, B, C, and PP and minerals such as potassium, iron, and phosphorus. Additionally, cloudberry is a source of antioxidants, including ellagic acid, which has antioxidant properties and can help protect cells from damage. Consequently, this berry is appreciated as an antidote to the rapid ageing of the body. It has to rejuvenate solid properties because its antioxidants and vitamins enhance immunity. Its anti-inflammatory properties assist in combating chronic diseases.

Gold of the north

Scandinavians are ardent fans of these fruits. Raw, they have a sweet and sour taste, more refreshing than dessert-like. Cloudberries are stored excellently, unlike our raspberries. This is because they contain benzoic acid, a natural preservative. After picking, they can last in a cool place for up to three months, which provides ample time to enjoy them and to make preserves.

In Scandinavia, cloudberry is called the "gold of the north" and is gathered by entire families for weekend outdoor activities. It is still regarded as a national treasure in Finland, and this fruit is featured on the €2 coin.

Cloudberry preserves

Scandinavians are adept at processing these unique fruits. They make jams and juices, add them to cakes and other desserts, and even dry them. In Finland, these berries are served warm with local cheese and cream, and in Norway, they create a traditional dessert called "Multekrem." This delightful blend of berries and whipped sweet cream is served with crispy cookies. Cloudberry is also renowned for its famous spirits, both liqueurs and stronger beverages.

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