TechBritish Challenger 2 tanks struggle with Ukrainian terrain

British Challenger 2 tanks struggle with Ukrainian terrain

"The biggest problem for the Challenger 2 in Ukraine is getting stuck in the mud" – reads the report. A British reporter notes that generally praised by the defenders, these machines struggle in the exceptionally tough terrain of Ukraine. The soft and deep soil, according to reports, poses an obstacle in the ongoing conflict.

Challenger 2 in Ukraine
Challenger 2 in Ukraine
Images source: © X, @TheDeadDistrict
Norbert Garbarek

In a video published in the media, one can see a British tank literally sinking in a deep puddle. The water level starts to rise, dangerously approaching the upper part of the tank's chassis. For the crew "extracting the machine from such a situation may become a huge challenge".

Bulgarian Military explains that the "engulfment" of British tanks by the Ukrainian soil is the result of a high content of organic matter in the soil, which reaches up to 15 percent. This means that the soil, when exposed to rainfall, can hold a large amount of water, thus transforming the terrain into an area that immobilizes tanks, and they further "sink" into it. Even wide tracks, designed to tackle, among others, sandy terrains, do not help.

Challenger 2 in Ukraine

Let's recall that the mentioned British tanks were recently commented on by the commander of a Ukrainian airborne assault brigade. The military official described it as a "tank unique in its kind." Moreover, he emphasized "the great comfort of use, excellent optics, stabilization, comfortable control, and a high degree of crew protection". These were not the first positive opinions about the British tank shared by Ukrainians.

In terms of Challenger 2's armament, the 120 mm caliber L30A1 cannon deserves attention, which unlike the smoothbore barrels used by NATO countries, is rifled. Besides, two 7.62 mm machine guns were used for attacking lightly armored targets and infantry.

The construction from the UK weighs over 59 tons – mainly thanks to the extensive armor of the tank. The Challenger 2 is over 11.5 meters in length, and its drive unit, with a power of 1200 HP, accelerates the vehicle to a speed of about 55 kph. A weaker engine compared to other Western tanks means that the Challenger 2 is somewhat less agile and generally slower than its competition. However, Ukrainians emphasize that the tank compensates these weaknesses with its other virtues.

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