LifestyleBanish balcony weeds for good with this simple household mix

Banish balcony weeds for good with this simple household mix

Banish balcony weeds for good with this simple household mix
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Brebca

9 May 2024 14:12

Weeds on patio slabs and paving stones are an absolute nightmare. They sprout up like mushrooms after the rain. How can you remove weeds from patio tiles? Mix three ingredients with water. There won't be a trace of the weeds, and the surface will be new.

The balcony season is approaching, and it's time to start cleaning the terrace. After a long winter, patio tiles don't look their best. They are dirty and covered with moss, and weeds sprout from the cracks. Want to restore the tiles to their former look? Mix three ingredients and scrub. You'll forget about the weeds, and the surface will shine with cleanliness.

How to get rid of balcony weeds?

Weeds are the bane of every gardener. They appear on grass, flower beds, terraces, and balconies. They grow everywhere it's dark and moist. They are particularly stubborn plants, growing back even after being pulled out.

How to get rid of weeds from the terrace? Start with a thorough cleanup. Grab a stiff brush and clean the patio tiles with it. Don't forget about the grouts — where weeds and moss most often appear. After removing the remaining dirt, prepare a homemade liquid to remove all impurities and unwanted vegetation.

You need three things: water, baking soda, and potash soap. Pour around 10 litres of hot water into a bucket. Add a package of baking soda and five tablespoons of potash soap. Use this mixture to wash the patio tiles. Rub the mixture with a stiff brush and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse the tiles with clean water and dry them.

Baking soda combined with potash soap will remove the seeds of moss and weeds and thoroughly clean the tiles. This mix also works well for driveways made of paving stones or concrete. Repeat the treatment once a month, and you'll forget about weeds for a long time.

Spray this on the grouts. Weeds will no longer appear

Regular cleaning of patio tiles is the key to success. Unfortunately, weeds may return after a few rainy and cold days, and that's when you need to reach for more robust products.

How do you remove weeds at home? Prepare a spray from two ingredients you most likely already have at home: water and vinegar. Mix them in a 1:1 ratio and transfer them to a spray bottle. Spray the prepared liquid on the surface and leave it for 15-30 minutes. After that, scrub the grouts with a stiff brush. Weeds will no longer appear.

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