NewsArmed assault on Yerevan police station linked to Russian veterans group

Armed assault on Yerevan police station linked to Russian veterans group

Armed attackers stormed into the police station.
Armed attackers stormed into the police station.
Images source: © X

25 March 2024 18:38

The Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on Sunday that three armed men attempted to break into a police station in Yerevan, setting off hand grenades and injuring two of the attackers. Security forces successfully repelled the attack.
Reuters cited the Russian agency Interfax in stating that the attackers who stormed the police station might be affiliated with the Combat Brotherhood, a Russian organization that unites veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Earlier on Sunday, about 50 members of the Combat Brotherhood were arrested by Armenian police.
This group is against the transfer of several villages in the Tavush province of Armenia to neighboring Azerbaijan as part of a peace treaty currently under negotiation between the countries following Baku's occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh. In December, both parties agreed to start discussions on the peace treaty. However, many residents of the border regions in Armenia are opposing demarcation efforts, regarding them as an intrusion by Azerbaijan into territories they consider their own.

"A grenade exploded"

It has been reported that three armed individuals launched an attack on a police station in Nor-Nork, Yerevan.
"Preliminary reports suggest that a grenade detonated near the building, resulting in injuries," reported the Nexta portal.
The two attackers, who sustained injuries during Sunday's assault on the police station, were transported to the hospital. The third was apprehended by police after a brief confrontation, according to Narek Sarkisyan, a spokesman for the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
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