NewsWhat can retired women do? A victory for all generations. Senior Swiss women win historic climate case

What can retired women do? A victory for all generations. Senior Swiss women win historic climate case

Swiss senior women have filed a complaint against Switzerland to the European Court of Human Rights for conducting an inadequate climate policy, thus violating human rights.
Swiss senior women have filed a complaint against Switzerland to the European Court of Human Rights for conducting an inadequate climate policy, thus violating human rights.
Images source: © Greenpeace | © Miriam Künzli / Greenpeace

20 April 2024 16:07

Over 2,500 senior women from Switzerland have accused their government of not doing enough to combat climate change. The European Court of Human Rights has found in their favour.

What can retired women do? A lot of things. However, few might expect them to form a large organisation and fight their government before the European Court of Human Rights. That is exactly what happened in the case of over 2,500 women from Switzerland, most over 70 years old.

Historic ruling

The case brought to Strasbourg by KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz is historic. For the first time, the Court examined to what extent climate protection activity is the responsibility of a country's government. Thus, the ruling that such responsibility indeed exists is also historical.

In the ruling, the Court stated that Switzerland violates the human rights of older women because the state does not take the necessary steps to fight climate change. Switzerland did not achieve its own - insufficient - greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Authorities also acted neither in a timely nor in an appropriate manner to implement measures to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The result will be, among other things, more frequent and intense heat waves, which pose a real and serious threat to the health and the private and family life of older women. This way, Article 8, which concerns the right to respect for private and family life, was violated. It's also worth adding that the Court sided with the plaintiffs and granted them victim status.

- This ruling is not just a victory for the Senior Women for Climate Protection. Our victory is a victory for all generations - summarised Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti, co-chair of KlimaSeniorinnen.

Switzerland must now adjust its climate goals to scientific recommendations. And implement them.

Significance for the entire world

The ruling cannot be appealed. Moreover, the Court's decision sets a legal precedent for the 46 countries that have signed the European Convention on Human Rights. Now, all these states can be called upon by their citizens to review and, if necessary, strengthen climate policy based on the Court's ruling.

This ruling is not just a victory for the Senior Women for Climate Protection. Our victory is a victory for all generations. Especially for the Portuguese youth, whose generation will be beneficiaries of a long-term improved climate. The presence of the young people in the courtroom showed the judges the face of human rights for the future - said Cordelia Bähr, chief lawyer representing the senior women.

This is not the end

It has become accepted that climate change concerns the younger generation most because it will face much more severe consequences of the climate crisis, which is only starting to accelerate. However, the example from Switzerland shows that this is a problem that can become important for everyone.

- We are not made to sit in a rocking chair. We know statistically that in 10 years we will be gone. So whatever we do now we are not doing for ourselves, but for the sake of our children and our children's children - summarised Elisabeth Stern, a 76-year-old member of KlimaSeniorinnen, in her conversation with the BBC.

It is worth adding that the story does not end in Strasbourg. The KlimaSeniorinnen case is also on the agenda of the International Court of Justice. Next year, hearings on all government commitments to climate justice, including Switzerland, will occur before it.

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