FoodUnpacking the truth about children's favorite fruit syrups

Unpacking the truth about children's favorite fruit syrups

Is fruit syrup good for children? Parents should know.
Is fruit syrup good for children? Parents should know.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | pingpao

15 May 2024 13:52

It's commonly said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This saying often applies to parents and their children, whom they deeply care for. We aim for what's best, but the outcome isn't always as expected. What should we do? The first step is to read the labels, particularly drinks that may seem healthy.

On the one hand, we aim to shield our young ones from lifestyle diseases, ensuring their well-being and proper growth. On the other hand, we sometimes, without a second thought, offer them drinks whose contents, to say the least, are not always beneficial. A popular choice among parents is fruit syrups. Since they're mixed with water, they're perceived as a wholesome option, right? Unfortunately, that's not always the case.

What we drink matters

It's a well-acknowledged fact among Polish parents that serving children cola or other fizzy drinks is not conducive to fostering a healthy physique. And it's often argued that everything is in moderation. There's truth, but the issue arises when a child refuses to consider plain water. In such scenarios, many consider fruit syrups a "lesser evil." But is this assumption correct?

Raspberry syrup—not necessarily healthy

A minimal concentrate of raspberry juice, glucose-fructose syrup, artificial sweeteners, and citric acid. These are just a few components found in the widely available raspberry syrups. Does a renowned brand guarantee the product's quality? Certainly not, and it might even suggest the reverse. What exactly do these "fruity" products contain?

In addition to the already mentioned ingredients, raspberry syrups mainly comprise concentrates—and not just from raspberries. They also include concentrates of less expensive ingredients: carrots, beets, and black currants. The most audacious brands include merely 0.1 percent concentrated raspberry juice. The remainder? Concentrated aronia, alongside sugar and flavorings. Quite shocking.

How many raspberries in raspberry syrup? Unfortunately, usually not many.
How many raspberries in raspberry syrup? Unfortunately, usually not many.© Canva | silviarita

Flavor syrups—there is hope

Naturally, the issues above do not imply an absence of high-quality raspberry syrups in the market. The finest such products consist solely of two components: raspberry juice (in amounts of up to 55 percent) and organic cane sugar. The difference between these products and the misleadingly similar others is stark. However, there's a silver lining. Given the vast difference, it's easy to distinguish between the two. All it takes is a closer look at the label...

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