Ukrainian forces seize Russian Orłan-30 drone, gaining insights on enemy technology
Ukrainians likely intercepted the Russian unmanned aircraft using an electronic warfare system. The Orłan-30 reportedly landed in a so-called 'grey zone' between Russian and Ukrainian forces, according to reports.
Following the interception, the Ukrainians transported the drone towards their positions using a ground robot. German journalist Julian Röpcke has focused his recent reporting on the increased usage and importance of these ground robots in Ukraine.
One such Ukrainian robot was instrumental in pulling the Russian Orłan-30 to a safe location where Ukraine's defence forces are stationed. Notably, the interception and capture of the drone, which was found in almost perfect condition, holds significant value for the Ukrainians. Primarily, this offers the soldiers an invaluable opportunity to examine the technology utilised by their adversaries closely. This, in turn, prepares them better for potential attacks, allowing them to create effective tools to combat intensifying threats.
Moving on to the drone details, the captured unmanned Orłan-30 is among the Russian reconnaissance and artillery fire control drones. It represents an upgrade from the Orłan-10 model and features enhancements that extend its range and increase its payload capacity.
The Orłan-30 is capable of carrying small loads of several kilograms for a distance of up to 299 kilometres (rounded from 186 miles). As an artillery fire control device, the machine utilises a laser target indicator. This advanced feature coordinates with systems including 2B11 Sani, 2S9 Nona, 2S3 Akacja and 2S4 Tulipan. The integrated laser beam enables high-precision enemy strikes, while the target coordinates leverage the GLONASS and GPS satellite navigation systems.
The Orłan-30's power is rated at 1 HP with dimensions nearly 4 metres (rounded from 13 feet) of wingspan and a takeoff mass of almost 30 kilograms (rounded from 66 pounds). The Russian unmanned vehicle can reach a maximum speed of 169 km/h (rounded from 105 mph) and a cruising speed of 150 km/h (rounded from 93 mph). The aircraft can operate at altitudes up to 4.5 kilometres (rounded from 2.8 miles), with a maximum flight time of 18 hours.