NewsTragic end for eight Chinese migrants off Oaxaca coast amid US pursuit

Tragic end for eight Chinese migrants off Oaxaca coast amid US pursuit

They sailed to the USA by boat.
They sailed to the USA by boat.
Images source: © Flickr, Google Maps

1 April 2024 17:11

On a beach in Oaxaca, a region in southern Mexico, the remains of eight Chinese individuals - seven women and one man - were uncovered. Local authorities disclosed that this incident happened as the boat they were journeying on capsized while trying to enter the United States clandestinely.

The BBC reported that on a beach in Oaxaca on Friday (March 29), the bodies of eight Chinese nationals were discovered. This sorrowful finding occurred along a path frequently utilized by migrants aiming to reach the United States unlawfully.

Among the casualties were seven women and one man. Investigations reveal that all the deceased were on a boat that embarked on Thursday from Chiapas, positioned near the Guatemala border, and capsized en route to the USA. One individual survived the ordeal.

An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the devastating accident. Concurrently, efforts are being made in collaboration with the Chinese embassy in Mexico to identify the victims.

Increasing number of migrants striving to enter the USA

The border between Mexico and the US spans roughly 3144 kilometres and divides four US states (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California) from six Mexican states. This area is one of the principal migration corridors in the world.

Annually, thousands attempt to cross from Mexico into the US for a better existence. Many flee from gang-related criminal activities, poverty, political persecution, and natural calamities.

According to the BBC, since the start of 2021, a staggering 6.3 million individuals have made illegal crossings into the US. In particular, a significant number of Chinese migrants have been intercepted - in 2023 alone, 37,000 Chinese were detained at the Mexican-American border, a fiftyfold increase from two years prior.

The Mexico-US border also witnesses various other challenges, including drug and people smuggling, which has led both nations to collaborate in bolstering border security. Efforts are also in place to streamline the legal crossing processes for trade and tourism, which are vital for the economies of both countries.

In conclusion, overseeing the Mexico-US border is an immensely taxing job. It straddles the fine line between ensuring security and upholding human rights, enforcing stringent control, and fostering international cooperation and economic interdependence.

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