Tiger mosquito invasion: From exotic lands to Europe's doorstep
Until now, the tiger mosquito could only be encountered in exotic countries. However, climate change has caused this insect to appear more frequently in Europe. How can you recognize this mosquito, and what risks might you face upon encountering it? Find out.
Tiger mosquitoes are considered one of the world's most dangerous mosquito species. They transmit many diseases that can wreak havoc on our bodies. Unfortunately, these insects have already appeared in our Western neighbours' countries.
What do tiger mosquitoes look like?
Entomologist Frederick Askew Skuse first described the tiger mosquito in 1895. These insects originally hail from Asia, but they have increasingly been observed in other parts of the world over the years. Therefore, it is no surprise that they have also reached Europe.
They can be recognized by the light stripes adorning their dark abdomens and legs. The bodies of tiger mosquitoes can reach a length of 0.08 to even 0.4 inches.
It's worth noting that these creatures are highly aggressive and invasive. They quickly adapt to new environmental conditions, allowing them to survive in many countries. However, they particularly favour humid, warm places. Tiger mosquitoes can be found in forests, parks, lakes, and ponds.
Their delicacy is both human and animal blood. Unfortunately, these insects frequently carry dangerous viruses and bacteria, which can cause diseases such as dengue, yellow, and West Nile fever.
Tiger mosquitoes in Munich
There is still no documented case confirming the presence of the tiger mosquito in our country. However, this does not mean that the species does not live here.
It is known that this insect has established itself in our western neighbours' territories. At the end of April, the District Office in Munich decided to warn its residents about tiger mosquitoes. This is because two of these creatures were confirmed in the Oberhaching municipality.