LifestyleTea: The surprising ally in your weight loss journey

Tea: The surprising ally in your weight loss journey

Does tea help with weight loss?
Does tea help with weight loss?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

19 May 2024 20:19

When on a diet, we must remember to drink an appropriate amount of fluids. It's especially worth paying attention to those that can help us achieve our ideal weight. Fortunately, the choice is greater than it seems.

When dreaming of losing a few pounds, we don't have to give up everything we like. Our true ally in weight loss is tea, which we drink so often. Dietitian Lauren Manaker revealed in Health which types are worth reaching for in this case.

A healthy diet provides us with the necessary nutrients for proper functioning. We shouldn't starve ourselves or skip meals. It's essential to approach the topic professionally.

It's also worth consulting with a dietitian, who can tell us what to eat if we care about health as well as a slim figure.

Not everyone knows that on a diet, you don't have to give up drinking your favourite teas, which, in this case, can help us achieve our goal. Besides helping with weight management, tea is rich in antioxidants and compounds that can support overall health.

Which tea to drink on a diet?

Lauren Manaker, an acclaimed dietitian and writer, does not hide that green tea is worth drinking if we care about reducing our weight. As she emphasised, this drink is rich in antioxidants, including catechins.

"Green tea has both anti-oxidants and caffeine, which can both aid in weight loss," the expert noted.

The dietitian also revealed that black tea is a good choice during weight loss. The fermentation process that black tea undergoes increases the level of flavonoids, especially theaflavins and thearubigins, which are believed to contribute to weight loss and fat tissue reduction. These compounds can boost metabolism and help reduce visceral fat tissue.

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