Security outrage: Briton's undetected flight from UK to New York under review
We might be familiar with the film's plot featuring Kevin, who mistakenly embarks on the wrong flight and heads to New York. However, such instances are infrequent in real life. Kevin was on a domestic flight, whereas our 46-year-old Brit bypassed all controls without a ticket and passport before an intercontinental journey.
His flight to the USA didn't require a ticket
Craig Sturt flew from Heathrow to New York merely by occupying an empty seat on the flight and feasting on the complimentary food and drinks. He was only detected at JFK Airport during passport checks.
The 46-year-old was returned to the UK and promptly arrested, subsequently being committed to a psychiatric hospital in Reading.
The incident is currently under investigation by UK services. An anonymous official lamented to "The Sun": "Heads will roll. shockingly, such an incident could occur". It's futile to contemplate what might have happened if a terrorist had managed to board the plane undetected. The incident is a massive humiliation. The Americans are incensed and are seeking explanations for this breach in security.
A cryptic statement from Heathrow Airport states: "All individuals accessing the airport operation area, including the person implicated in this case, are subjected to security checks. We are assisting the authorities in their ongoing investigation".
Though the incident happened on Christmas day, the British man is back in the spotlight due to his ongoing disruptive behaviour towards officers.
Charged under airline security legislation, Sturt absconded from the hospital and failed to attend court in Uxbridge on January 22nd. He was re-arrested only this week in Richmond, South London.