NewsRussian military purges: High-ranking officers detained over coup plot

Russian military purges: High-ranking officers detained over coup plot

They planned an assassination of Putin and therefore ended up in custody. A surprising theory about arrests in Russia.
They planned an assassination of Putin and therefore ended up in custody. A surprising theory about arrests in Russia.
Anna Wajs-Wiejacka

26 May 2024 10:02

Recent weeks have seen significant purges in the Russian army, with many high-ranking military officers arrested. Officially, the reason for their detention is corruption and embezzlement. However, there are theories that the arrests might have an entirely different motive. "General SVR" on the X portal hypothesises that the detained individuals were planning a coup against Vladimir Putin.

More commanders and officials of the Russian Ministry of Defence are being arrested. The list of detainees is long. It includes the head of army personnel, Gen. Yuriy Kuznetsov, Deputy Minister of Defence responsible for economic affairs, Timur Ivanov, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Vadim Shamarin, and General Ivan Popov.

Officially, the reason for the arrests is corruption and embezzlement. However, not everyone believes this. As reports say, there are speculations that the case may have a deeper layer.

Such information appeared on the General SVR profile, allegedly managed by former Russian services agents. On the X portal, they conveyed that the reason for the latest arrests is the discovery of a coup that was aimed at overthrowing the current authorities in the Kremlin. The scale of the conspiracy against Vladimir Putin was reportedly larger than the Wagner Group rebellion led by Yevgeny Prigozhin.

"Supposedly, plans for a march on Moscow similar to the Wagner Group rebellion led by Yevgeny Prigozhin were developed," reported General SVR. The conspirators were to forcefully advance on the capital, "a few columns of military personnel with equipment." The planned coup by the military was supposed to occur in early June.

After discussing the details and possible ways to thwart the conspiratorial plans, Gen. Nikolai Patrushev asserted that since all conspirators had already been identified, the plans should be thwarted at the moment the final decision was made to start the rebellion. At that point, all conspirators should be apprehended - it was read on the "General SVR" profile.

Attempted coup in Russia? Detained military and officials were allegedly preparing it

The authors of the "General SVR" profile indicated that they predicted a wave of arrests among Russian military personnel and officials of the Ministry of Defence. At the same time, they confirmed that it should not be expected that Russian authorities would decide to make public any information about the discovered coup.

Information about the conspiracy will not be made public by the Russian authorities. All arrests will be related to matters of corruption and embezzlement — indicate the authors of General SVR.

Information presented by "General SVR" should be cautiously approached, as the profile's credibility is difficult to confirm.

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