NewsRussian guerrillas strike military targets in Belgorod and Kursk

Russian guerrillas strike military targets in Belgorod and Kursk

"We will open fire". Tensions at the Russian border.
"We will open fire". Tensions at the Russian border.
Images source: © TG
Mateusz Czmiel

14 March 2024 12:42

"We will open fire on military targets within an hour and a half from this video message," says Denis Kapustin, commander of the Russian Volunteer Corps, in the recording published at 7:14 AM GMT. He appealed to the residents of Belgorod and Kursk to flee immediately. Shortly after, an attack occurred.

"Your authorities have not taken any action to protect or evacuate you, and the shelling of peaceful towns and villages in Ukraine continues. We are forced to respond by targeting military objectives. Evacuate immediately," Kapustin says in the recording.

More than an hour after the initial message was released on the channels of the "Freedom of Russia" Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps, another warning appeared: "Attention! All residents of the Kursk, Belgorod, and Bryansk regions who are unable to evacuate, immediately seek shelter!"

Exactly after this time had passed, sirens sounded in Belgorod and the region. Explosions were heard in various places, and plumes of smoke were seen rising above the city.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations confirmed the occurrence of shelling, and Russian military correspondents reported on "engagements with saboteurs in the border areas".

This was also confirmed by the governor of the Kursk region, Roman Starovoit, who posted on Telegram that "sabotage and reconnaissance groups are launching attacks on the border." The attack was thwarted by the Russians.

Attack on Belgorod. Casualties reported

This marked another attack on Belgorod. On Thursday morning, the Russian Ministry of Defence disclosed the interception of eight missiles fired from multiple rocket launchers.

In the attack, one individual lost their life. The death occurred when a car driver was struck by a missile, and three other persons sustained injuries. Two residential properties and a healthcare facility also suffered damage in the assault.

Guerrilla attack on Russian regions

On March 12, units of the "Freedom of Russia" Legion and the Siberian Battalion, Russian guerrilla formations, crossed into the Belgorod and Kursk regions of Russia. The Freedom of Russia Legion later announced that the town of Tiotkino in the Kursk region is now fully under the control of the volunteers.

On Wednesday evening, there were updates that the guerrillas are engaged in combat with the army in five villages in the Belgorod region.

In recent months, Belgorod and other areas in the Belgorod region, situated near the border with Ukraine, have regularly been subjected to shelling. The most significant attack occurred on December 30 of the previous year, when 25 civilians in Belgorod were killed and over 100 injured. The Kremlin attributed these incidents to Ukraine.

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