FoodOat water: The simple drink revolutionizing health and weight loss

Oat water: The simple drink revolutionizing health and weight loss

Oat water: The simple drink revolutionizing health and weight loss
Images source: © Adobe Stock

9 May 2024 15:47

It looks unusual and, at first glance, may be somewhat off-putting. However, drinking oat water is becoming increasingly popular. Looking at its health properties, nothing is surprising—this inexpensive remedy will help you care for your body and shed a few pounds.

My friend recently boasted about a new addition to her diet. Every day, she drinks a glass of oat water. This is nothing more than a mix of mountain oat flakes with water. It's usually drunk on an empty stomach but can also be consumed throughout the day as a substitute for regular water. This inconspicuous liquid hides incredible properties.

Oat water

Oats have long been known for their precious nutritional and health benefits. No wonder we're reaching for them in traditional oatmeal and as an ingredient in a delicious and healthy drink—oat water.

Oat water is easy to prepare, rich in nutrients, and has many health benefits. It is rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and silicon. It also contains B vitamins and dietary fiber, which aids the work of the intestines and improves digestion.

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Preparing this drink is very simple.


  • 1 cup mountain oat flakes,
  • 2 litres of water.

How to prepare:

  1. Pour one cup of water over the flakes and blend.
  2. Add the remaining water to the blended flakes.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it into a sealable jar or bottle.
  4. Put the ready oat water in the refrigerator and store it there until the next day.

Optionally, you can strain the oat water before consumption to separate the flakes from the liquid. After blending, add spices such as vanilla or cinnamon to enhance the flavor.

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Why should you drink oat water?

One of the main advantages of oat water is its impact on weight loss. Dietary fiber regulates the digestive system, facilitating digestion and reducing the risk of intestinal diseases. Additionally, it provides a feeling of fullness for a longer time, which prevents snacking and makes it easier to maintain a diet. Oat water can alleviate symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease and even improve sleep quality. Its antioxidants protect cells from damage, making oat water a natural elixir of youth.

Oat water is also an excellent choice for people with diabetes. It provides the body with slowly metabolized carbohydrates without causing dramatic spikes in blood sugar levels. In diabetes, it is worth preparing oat water a day in advance to lower its glycemic index even more.

However, it's worth remembering that oat water only adds to a healthy and balanced diet. It can help you lose weight and shed unnecessary pounds, but it won't magically eliminate belly fat without our commitment.

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