LifestyleNurturing geraniums: Homemade milk fertilizer boosts blooms

Nurturing geraniums: Homemade milk fertilizer boosts blooms

Homemade fertiliser for pelargoniums
Homemade fertiliser for pelargoniums
Images source: © Adobe Stock

10 June 2024 17:01

Geranium is a trendy plant that delights us with its lush blossoms. However, sometimes watering alone is not enough. To enjoy long-lasting blooms, it's worth preparing a homemade fertilizer.

It might seem that geraniums are easy to grow. After all, you can find them in many gardens and homes. They bloom almost from May to September, but a simple way exists to extend their lifespan.

How to care for geraniums?

This plant thrives in well-sunlit locations. However, you need to remember to water it regularly. Ensuring proper moisture is essential, especially during its peak growth period. However, it's better not to pour water directly on the leaves.

This plant does not like shade very much. Planting it in places where there is not much light will not allow the geranium to grow well. In extreme cases, it might not bloom at all.

Not everyone knows that geraniums are perennial plants. However, you must protect them from frost when it gets colder. If you don’t do this, you won’t have beautiful flowers the following year.

Homemade fertilizer for geraniums

If we provide geraniums with enough light and water, we can be sure that the plant will reward us with lush blossoms. Unfortunately, it sometimes withers very quickly. Fortunately, there is an easy way to counteract this.

We need about 100 millilitres of cow's milk. Then, mix it with about 1 litre of water. Water our geraniums with the prepared mixture, and we’re done. This procedure should be repeated at least once a month.

Why can milk have such a good effect on flowers? It’s all due to the calcium and other valuable microelements found in it. When delivered to the plant, they can positively impact its growth.

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