LifestyleNew car theft trick: Beware of the egg on your bonnet

New car theft trick: Beware of the egg on your bonnet

An egg on the car bonnet?
An egg on the car bonnet?
Images source: © East News

13 August 2024 18:31

Sometimes, when getting into a car, we notice flyers under the windscreen wipers. A much more surprising sight might be an egg smashed on the bonnet. Trying to remove it immediately can lead to major problems.

An egg on the car bonnet? It seems unreal – but it’s possible. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that it can signal huge trouble. To avoid it, it's better not to get out of the car. We explain why.

A new method used by thieves. They wait until we get out of the car

Increasingly complex car security systems force thieves to reach new heights of creativity. How do they quickly and effectively steal a car? Recently, an egg has been helping them with this.

Often, in a hurry, we get into a car parked in a public car park. Most of us don’t even think of inspecting it thoroughly first. However, once we’re behind the wheel, buckled up and ready to drive away, we unexpectedly see an egg smashed on the bonnet.

Instinctively, we get out of the car to remove it as quickly as possible. We leave the door open, the keys in the ignition, and even the documents behind. Unfortunately, clever thieves take advantage of this brief moment of inattention, quickly getting behind the wheel and driving away. This is why one should never get out of the car when seeing an egg on the bonnet.

Car thieves' tricks

The egg trick is not the only method car thieves use that you should watch out for. Equally risky are flyers found under windscreen wipers. However, those placed on the rear window are particularly dangerous.

We often notice them only while reversing, so wanting to quickly jump out of the car to remove them from the wiper provides thieves with a golden opportunity. To minimise the risk of car theft, it’s worth thoroughly inspecting the vehicle before getting in to ensure nothing raises our suspicions.

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