NewsLondon police arrest murder suspect with family criminal history

London police arrest murder suspect with family criminal history

He committed a terrible crime in England. It's shocking who the 26-year-old's brother is.
He committed a terrible crime in England. It's shocking who the 26-year-old's brother is.
Images source: © Getty Images, Police
Jakub Artych

11 July 2024 08:29

London police have arrested 26-year-old Kyle Clifford, who is suspected of the murder of three women. As emphasised by "The Sun," it has now come to light that six years ago, Clifford's older brother, Bradley, was sentenced to life in prison for murder.

The dramatic events took place near Watford. Police were called to one of the luxurious residences, where three dead women were found. They were the wife and two daughters of BBC horse racing commentator John Hunt. Police stated that the victims were 25, 28, and 61 years old.

26-year-old Kyle Clifford was identified as the perpetrator. After a several-hour manhunt, police apprehended the suspect.

As emphasised by "The Sun," it has now come to light that six years ago, Clifford's older brother, Bradley, was sentenced for murder after a trial at Old Bailey.

Followed in his brother's footsteps. He was sentenced for murder

Bradley Clifford was sentenced to life in prison after he killed a scooter rider for smashing a bottle on his car.

The man flew into a rage and chased after the scooter on which 18-year-old Soban Khan and his friend Jahshua Francis were riding. Bradley crashed his Mustang into the scooter with full force.

That wasn't the end, as Bradley then started beating the teenagers. Ultimately, he was found guilty of murdering Khan.

Bradley was sentenced to life in prison, and the judge told him that he would have to serve at least 23 years before he could apply for parole.

After Bradley was jailed Kyle developed this weird power complex.He thought having a brother who was behind bars was something to show-off about. He had no problem threatening people. And people were definitely afraid of him - emphasised one of the Englishman's acquaintances.
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