LifestyleHotel secrets: The surprising truth about what goes uncleaned

Hotel secrets: The surprising truth about what goes uncleaned

Hotel employees reveal which room items are not regularly cleaned. Not everyone is aware of this.

Experts recommend thoroughly checking the beds in advance.
Experts recommend thoroughly checking the beds in advance.
Images source: © Getty Images | Smith Collection/Gado
ed. NGU

Hotel rooms should be thoroughly cleaned after each guest's departure, and additional cleaning can be requested during the stay. However, during busy periods, staff may skip some items. A former hotel employee disclosed via Reddit which areas might be the least thoroughly cleaned.

The dirtiest places in hotel rooms

According to hotel staff, blankets and pillows are the most often overlooked in cleaning. Another hotel employee noted that in four different hotels where he worked, they always required changing sheets and all bedding while cleaning the rooms. However, some employees skip certain tasks to save time.

The post stated that hotel guests should check the beds before going to sleep. If there are any concerns, it's worth asking for a room or at least a bedding change. It is also important to check for the presence of bedbugs, which can leave tiny red blood stains around the corners of the bed. If such marks are noticed, inform the staff immediately.

Beware of glasses and bottles

Another hotel worker warns against using the glasses and water bottles available in the room. "When you get to your hotel room, if your room has a refillable bottle of water and glasses, immediately call down and ask politely for a new water bottle and glasses.," he advises. He adds that in many hotels the glasses are not replaced, just rinsed in the bathroom without using washing-up liquid.


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