Fruit myths debunked: Enjoy nature's candy any time of day
Right now, we are enjoying the widest selection of fresh fruits. The market stalls are overwhelming; everything is tempting, delicious, and colourful. But can we eat them with impunity even if we watch our waistline? Is it true that it’s best to eat them only before noon?
It’s often said that fruits are healthy and have many vitamins, but there is one detail. They contain a lot of sugar, especially during a weight loss diet; it’s best to eat them only in the morning meals. Sometimes, there are even extreme opinions that fruits consumed in the evening will "rot" in the stomach and be poorly digested. Is this true? No!
Blame it on fructose
Dr Damian Parol, fortunately for all fruit lovers, decided to debunk these myths. First, he emphasised that not all fruits should be treated the same way, as they contain different amounts of fructose. Apples, mangoes, and dates have significantly more fructose than citrus fruits, blueberries, and apricots. However, these are still low amounts compared to sweet drinks or candy bars. Dr Parol also mentions that studies have shown that only 1% of consumed fructose is converted into fatty acids. It would, therefore, be challenging to drink so much that our body fat levels would quickly and noticeably increase.
Time of day doesn’t matter
The dietitian believes that fruits can be eaten at any time of the day and are beneficial. They have low energy density, so they can be a perfect choice when we need fewer calories in the evening. Sometimes, some people experience bloating after eating fruits in the afternoon hours. However, most of us feel good after eating them. Therefore, it's better to take full advantage of the fruit season and not believe in dietary myths.