NewsFrom trusted ally to vocal critic: Vitaly Mansky on Putin's reign

From trusted ally to vocal critic: Vitaly Mansky on Putin's reign

Vitaly Mansky described the activities of Putin.
Vitaly Mansky described the activities of Putin.
Images source: © Wikipedia
Mateusz Kaluga

16 March 2024 15:08

Vitaly Mansky was a trusted man of Putin's for years. For opposing the war and criticizing the dictator, he is now reviled and sought after. He believes Putin will rule until death, humiliating, destroying, and killing Russians - Mansky says in an interview with "Gazeta Wyborcza".

Vitaly Mansky orchestrated Putin's first presidential campaign. Afterwards, he worked in television and received offers to become a deputy in the Duma. Currently aged 60, he has left Russia, accepting that he cannot return to his homeland.

Following the invasion of Ukraine and the murder of Alexei Navalny, I fear the worst from them. The Kremlin is echoing its predecessors, who initially removed opponents from the country, then pursued them abroad to ultimately eliminate them - Mansky elaborates in his interview with "Gazeta Wyborcza".

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Mansky believes that the regime will strip Russians of rights, with property confiscations and a reintroduction of Soviet-like conditions. "I am ashamed for Russians. Recent years have demonstrated their cowardice and lack of self-respect," Mansky laments. "Because of Russians glued to their kitchen stools, Putin will dominate till his last breath, humiliating, destroying, and killing them, robbing them of their future and dignity - it’s appalling."

The former colleague openly admits he no longer speaks Russian. He communicates in English and Ukrainian. "Putin has stripped me of the moral right to use my mother tongue," he shares with "Gazeta Wyborcza".

People feared Putin

"I was astonished to see how, just six months into his presidency, there was nobody left willing to challenge him or his decisions. I was the only one to tell him directly that bringing back the Soviet anthem was a mistake," the former colleague of the Russian president recalls in his interview with "Gazeta Wyborcza".

Mansky notes that fear of Putin permeated society just a few months after he ascended to power. Even those in theoretically significant positions found themselves powerless, sometimes waiting up to eight hours to meet with him outside his office.

The bodyguard as the competitor

Putin has consistently turned elections into a spectacle. Years ago, the presidential race included candidates who posed no serious threat to him. He coerced party leaders into nominating weak candidates. At one election, a bodyguard from one of the party heads ran. Mansky observes that Putin previously rewarded loyalty generously, but now primarily relies on intimidation.

In his discussion with "GW", Vitaly Mansky disclosed that the current president undergoes extensive health screenings at least once a week. He is said to be nearly paranoid about his health. Mansky also suggested that Putin might transfer power to one of his bodyguards, given his close relationship with them.

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