FoodFried egg in cheddar cheese: A breakfast game-changer

Fried egg in cheddar cheese: A breakfast game-changer

She placed a slice of cheese on the frying pan and cracked an egg. A brilliant breakfast hack.
She placed a slice of cheese on the frying pan and cracked an egg. A brilliant breakfast hack.
Images source: © Facebook

30 May 2024 13:19

Are you looking for an idea for a quick, simple, and delicious breakfast? We have a suggestion that will surely delight you! Fried egg in cheddar cheese is the ideal way to start the day - it's nutritious, tasty, and easy to prepare.

We all know the classic breakfast option of fried eggs. But did you know that you can prepare them in a completely new, surprising way? Kulinarna Wola shared a simple yet brilliant breakfast idea on Facebook: a fried egg in cheddar cheese. This recipe is straightforward, and the result will undoubtedly charm you.

Fried egg in cheese - recipe

To prepare this special dish, you need only a few basic ingredients:

  • 1 egg,
  • 2 slices of your favourite cheddar cheese,
  • Salt and pepper to taste,
  • Optional seasonings, such as herb tomatoes.

Preparation of the fried egg in cheese:

  1. Preparing the pan: Place two slices of cheddar cheese in a cold pan. The pan must be cold so the cheese melts evenly.
  2. Adding the egg: Gently crack the egg onto the cheese slices. Make sure the yolk remains whole and centred.
  3. Frying: Turn the hob to medium heat. Season the egg with salt, pepper, and your favourite seasonings, such as herb tomatoes. Cover the pan with a lid.
  4. Cooking time: Cook for about 4 minutes, until the egg white sets and the cheese becomes crispy at the edges.
  5. Serving: Gently transfer the cooked fried egg to a plate. Serve immediately, preferably with crispy bread.

Additional tips:

  • Instead of two cheese slices, you can use one larger slice.
  • If you prefer firmer yolks, cook the egg longer.
  • You can add other ingredients to the egg, such as ham, mushrooms, or bell peppers.
  • For breakfast and lunch or dinner, a fried egg in cheddar cheese is a great idea.

This breakfast idea not only surprises me with its simplicity but also with its excellent taste. The cheese, melting in the pan, creates a crispy, golden layer that pairs perfectly with the soft egg. Additionally, this way of preparing a fried egg allows for unlimited experimentation with seasonings so that you can customise the flavour to your preferences.