Tips&TricksFend off moths with this simple, homemade lavender trick

Fend off moths with this simple, homemade lavender trick

Moths are a nuisance and a plague. The worst part is that we often don't even realise their presence until we see their effects—destroyed clothes. However, we can quickly eliminate them thanks to a fabulously simple trick.

Effective method for moths
Effective method for moths
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Clothing moths are pesky pests that feed in closets and wardrobes, causing severe damage. Unlike insects that infiltrate homes, they do not eat food but focus on natural fabrics, such as wool, silk, cotton, or linen. We often find evidence of their activity on clothes, carpets, or bedding.

Fighting moths: effective methods

Removing clothing moths can be tiring because stubborn pests tend to return to their feeding sites. Besides, if we don't immediately remove all individuals overlooking tiny larvae, the whole ordeal starts again. Fortunately, several effective ways exist to eliminate a colony and prevent moths from reappearing. Above all, use natural insect repellents, such as dried lavender, cedar, sage, or cloves.

Homemade "mothballs". You can make them in moments

We can easily find specialised moth remedies in stores, but if we don't want to spend money on them, we can also successfully make them at home. All it takes is aluminium foil and dried herbs: lavender and mint.

We divide the aluminium foil into smaller, square pieces (about 10x10 cm is enough). Cut out at least ten of them. Then, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of lavender and 1 teaspoon of dried mint on each one. We can buy the herbs in the store, but nothing prevents us from growing them, for instance, on the balcony or windowsill. They are very useful at home.

Carefully fold the squares with lavender and mint so that nothing spills out (it's worth paying attention and securing the edges), and then use a toothpick to make 10 small holes to let the scent slowly escape. Place the finished squares everywhere that moths roam, such as in closets and drawers.

Lavender for moths: A brilliant trick for pennies

The miraculous ingredient in the homemade remedy is lavender, whose scent moths cannot stand. This unassuming plant will immediately deter them from visiting our closets. However, if we notice them in the house, we must always and unconditionally thoroughly clean – go through clothes and clean the closets.

It's best to wash the inside carefully with vinegar, water, and lavender oil. When everything is wonderfully clean and free from unwanted insects, spread our magical, beautifully scented homemade "mothballs" in every nook and cranny to avoid problems in the future. It works!

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